Boxes....bunnies or trash??

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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2008
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Kansas City, KS
So...long story short. A shopping trip to Sams club left us with some boxes and little cracker boxes ect.

So i put things away and grab up the boxes and automatically drop them in the rabbits room and murphy and sebi charge them. it just me or do other people do that too? throwing them away doesnt come to mind, its like a bad habit.

i got teased about it and then hubby thinned out their box collection ): since apparently they didnt need so many. murphy looked upset lol
I would remove any plastic tape from the boxes & wouldn't use any food boxes that were slightly shiny on the outside [as that probably means they have some plastic in with the fiber]. I suppose there CAN be too much of a good thing, though.
So, I have one roommate that is not a vet student (she's a dental student) and three roommates that are vet students. We tell the dental student that if she sees anything that looks like it should be recycled but is made out of cardboard/paper, it's probably a bunny toy. I've trained my roommates to save TP rolls, paper towel rolls, soda boxes, etc. for me. I do switch them out fairly regularly though so they never have too many at once.
I'd stay away from boxes with colored ink if they like to chew the boxes, but black and white ink is ok. I've actually got a spare bedroom crammed with a ton of boxes from all the stuff I ordered for my rabbits, sugar gliders and hamsters, lol. (petco's been having a massive online sale for at least like 5-6 mos now - stuff like 3-bag packs of discount carefresh for the hammies come in really great boxes).
Hahaha. I'll be honest, I'm really glad I'm not the only one. I have to inspect all the cardboard that comes in and out of our house to make sure its rabbit toy friendly. lmao. There were a few months where I saved ALL the TP and paper towel rolls, to make a castle. Well, I made the castle and its AWESOME! Well worth the two months of saving.
I use left over diaper boxes, yes, they have shiney labeling but my bun doesn't chew on them. Ellie, much like Foo will only chew on plain cardboard (ie, tp rolls, paper towel rolls, cardboard sheets) My son's Christmas presents had the best stuff on the insides. The boxes would be all shiney labeled and I wouldn't keep them, but the stuff they packed the toys and stuff in was always plain and perfect for a bunny! lol
My husband told me to stop collecting the paper rolls though, he said he had had enough of it!
Ours just love boxes--see "Cardboard Kingdoms". The only ones you have to keep away are ones with photos as that is a plastic applied to the cardboard. The ink used now is soy based so it is safe--been giving ours boxes to chew, etc. for more than a decade with no problems.
Would you Please post pictures of all the castles mentioned?
Nancy, is "Cardboard Kingdoms" your topic here?

I get a lot of boxes in ALDI. They are perfect for my buns
Monty eats TP rolls for snacks. No really, if I drop one in her cage, she immediately starts EATING it, and then it's gone by morning. She also EATS plain cardboard. We have a Mountain Dew box that she likes to hang out in (yeah, she squeezes into it somehow and hangs out the end) that has nibbled bits, but she doesn't tear the bits off and eat them. She seems not to like coated paper, but I keep watching her. Silly thing. I got a coffee maker for Christmas and the first thing I said was "hey, this would make a great Monty toy" when I pulled the molded-cardboard piece that was shaped to cushion the top end of the appliance. Boyfriend knows to flatten boxes and pull the tape off the flaps, and we wedge it beside the fridge so it stands up against the wall. Monty likes to chew and pull on the edges, or squeeze between the cardboard wall and the real wall.




I sometimes wonder if she thinks she's a dwarf.
I wish that I had boxes for my bunnies. Whenever I get stuff from amazon it always comes in these short flat long boxes that are usless for the bunnies. Also all my food boxes are to small for my girls. I had to go and BUY boxes from walmart last week for them. They have barely taken nortice of them, but my cat LOVES them. We actually had a box that the opening was only 2 inches wide and he managed to get his whole body in the box. Crazy cat. :lookaround

My mom gets good boxes in all the time but does not let me use them for anything. She is saving them fr when I move in may or june.
I love that last picture. Yeah uhhh...I have an addiction to saving all cardboard items. Heeeheeee. My fiancé always asks, "err do you actually need all this junk?" And I'm like well yeah! I am trying to collect enough to build a castle! Haha. He always sneaks in there and takes whatever cardboard he wants
Don't know haven't figured it out yet lol. I'm so NOT creative.i was just going to google it when I had lots of pieces

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