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Nov 7, 2013
Reaction score
Hi there.

I have a female lop rabbit Tabs (spayed) who lost her mate a month ago. I have just adopted (on a trial) a male lop rabbit Harry (neutered) hoping that they will bond.

Their initial meeting went well so I brought the boy home and set him up in a separate cage next to Tab's hutch (which she used to share with my old rabbit who passed away), both in my laundry room.

They have had a few dates outside in a neutral area so have now let the Harry wander outside his cage in the laundry room so he can explore and Tabs will sit in her hutch and watch him. Sometimes she will pop her head out and groom him but she doesn't like him going in her hutch. I know this is a possession issue - is the easiest way to resolve this is by swapping them every night (put him in the hutch and her in his cage) until she is less possessive of her hutch or is their another way?

Other than that they seem to be doing well. I don't want them taking a step backwards just cause Tabs isn't willing to share.

It would be a good idea to swap their hutches around, blankets and even food bowls. Females can become extremely territorial, but if things are going well she might slowly let him go inside her hutch.
I hope it works!
Ok great! That's what I thought. I will pop her into his cage with his litter tray etc tonight and him in hers. Thanks!
It's worked. They are sharing their cages now. I've even seen Tabs in Harry's cage using his litter tray by her own choice!

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