Bonding with your bunny

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Really enjoyed the read! I now know that my rabbits are bonded with me ;) Wasn't too sure on my nethie/polish before I read this, but turns out she is :)
I remember , after a few weeks of rescuing him from a park, I was lying on the floor, allowing Binkers to explore.( I had been able to pet him occasionally, and built up some trust over the course of this time) He came over and gave me little licks on the nose! It brought tears to my eyes, and I knew we were buddies forever! I can actually say "kisses", and should he be in the mood, will respond accordingly.( I wish he would listen to the word "No"!) We take turns " grooming' each other. Him "kisses", then me "pets". He still detests being held, and barely tolerates being picked up. But I can scoop him up long enough to put him on the bed to be petted, and he quickly forgets he was mad. He will settle right down, and even do a little "tooth-purring" (a sign of contentment, where he gently grinds his teeth). Oh, he was 4 months old when I rescued him, and is now 3! Litter-trained and cage -free!:D
Thank you so much. Your article helps us a lot! My husband and I, we both are so new about bunny.Our daughter is 4 months old Mini lop.We've got her since July 2010. Now she loves to be petted and likes to be around us. However, she doesn't like to be picked up and she gets annoyed when we have to clean her bottom, as the vet suggested us to do so. With your article , now we know how to bond with her and we do hope that she will bond with us soon ! :) Thanks again.
I saw "binkies" mentioned in a couple replies. That's a new term for me, what does it mean?

Excellent article. I think we're on the right track w/ my Flemish. She actually bonded rather quickly, I think. She was barely handled when I got her at 6 months from the breeder. 3 months later and she's so sweet. She does have her moments, however, but then quickly goes back to being her sweet, silly bun bun self. :)
amdfarm wrote:
I saw "binkies" mentioned in a couple replies. That's a new term for me, what does it mean?

Excellent article. I think we're on the right track w/ my Flemish. She actually bonded rather quickly, I think. She was barely handled when I got her at 6 months from the breeder. 3 months later and she's so sweet. She does have her moments, however, but then quickly goes back to being her sweet, silly bun bun self. :)
Hi amdfarm:

Binkies means that the bunny has jumped up in the air and did a spin for you or jumped in the air and kick his hind legs out behind him in a different direction. They're actually very funny to watch when they do this. They kind of remind me of a large furry kernal of popcorn in a popper when they do this. Spotty does this all the time in the backyard when we're outside. When I laugh and tell him that was amazing he does it some more and tries to make it even more spectacular. He also does it to tease the dog into chasing him around. So when our dog comes close he'd leap straight up in the air, binky the dog on his nose and takes off across the lawn with the dog trying to catch him.
Great article! Very nice to know I have been doing things properly with my recent adoptee, Eli. He seems to be warming up to petting and doesn't growl much anymore when I move stuff around. My girl Bubbles however, she is apparently in love with us. We don't get any rest with her since she wants to play and kiss all day. :D
Great article it helped a lot! :)
I have a question regarding the part about licking and grooming towards the end. My rabbit licks me and my clothes but then will proceed to nip after a few seconds. Is that still a sign of affection or is it totally different then?
Thank you so much!! that was so helpful and really helped me know what I can do and what I can't do!

My bun is very happy now that I read this and know the best about how to be around him.
ape.soldi wrote:
I have a question regarding the part about licking and grooming towards the end. My rabbit licks me and my clothes but then will proceed to nip after a few seconds. Is that still a sign of affection or is it totally different then?
If you watch bunnies groom other bunnies, generally they will lick a bit, and chew a bit, like chewing out knots or fur, and I believe this is likely to be the same thing. It is all part of grooming, just a less humanly acceptable way than the licking.

The other possibility is that your bunny has got fed up of grooming you, and wants you to groom him back.

It's a case of reading the full situation and the full body language to give you a clue. :)

Mine do this though, many bunnies do.
This is a great article. I'm happy to realize how lucky I am to have the rabbit I do. He bonded only after a day with my wife and I. He licks us all the time. He also nibbles on our hands a little which someone else told me is common among rabbits who were used to being with other rabbits.
Great article! I found it so helpful :D I googled binkies because I had never heard the term before, it turns out that George has been doing binkies since day one. I've only had him for 3 days and he is already well and truly comfortable here based on the article. He happily comes up and visits us when we are on the lounge watching TV, and he spends hours exploring and playing in the house. He followed me into my bedroom today and since then he has been making sneaky trips in there when he thinks I'm not looking. I guess we must be doing something right :)
Thank you for the article. Very helpful. I had thought maybe my rabbits aren't so close to me as with some other rabbit owners since it doesn't let me pick it up and doesn't follow me around much... but now that I know it is close to me since they let me stroke them, and they do like to climb all over me when I read a comic book. It's just normal that not all rabbits like to be picked up.
This is a WONDERFUL article, especially as I am a total novice to rabbits and didn't know anything about how to recognize bonding or whether or not the rabbit is comfortable in their person's presence. It also makes me feel really happy and grateful, because my doe Jameson is already showing some of the signs of being comfortable around me...she'll gladly take treats, eat with me sitting right beside her and when I walk into the room, she always comes over to the front of her cage (currently a huge dog crate, will be a custom hutch soon!) and stands up on her back legs and stares at me. I'm really touched to think she's already so trusting after so short a time living here with me!

I can't thank you enough, this article is both very helpful and very detailed, I really appreciated reading it! :)
That was very good, and the pictures made it even better!! We have only had a rabbit a week and a half or so, and that lets me know we are on the right track! Thanks
What a great article. Thanks.

I have had my Poppet for about 3 months, She is coming up to 6 months old and shows that she is very comfortable spending most of her time sleeping around the livingroom floor and jumps on my lap for food but then jumps off as soon as she is finished eating.

Trying to train her to be held lightly when she sits on me so she isn't so scared when I hold her at the vet.
Wow, I hadn't seen this post before, it's great!!! I got it saved on my computer, it might help me when I get my next bunny... it has many tips, goes much beyond what I did to get bonded with my bunnies, which worked well, but who knows what the future brings... hehe Thanks a lot for all your help!

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