Biases, the cutey factor

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Apr 18, 2012
Reaction score
;ineville, Kentucky, USA
I can understand the emotional attachment we all form to our pets. I have two cats, two dogs, six guinea pigs and several rabbits that I love. FYI, I've never actually killed and eaten any of my rabbits. As for everyone's opinion of my view point, how do you think people in the east look at us for eating beef? How do we look at some chinese cultures for eaton canine? I thought this web site was a group of welcoming individuals that would put their own biases(mispelled?) aside and consider the potential that rabbits have to us somewhat poverty stricken people in appalachia and other poor countries of the world. Rabbits can eat many wild and cultivated plants that can be produced for free, therefore producing a must needed food source for people that have a problem with poverty. What is the business section of RO for anyway?

***All of you are making me feel very unwelcome and isolated by not responding to my thread***
I get that rabbits are used as food - my parents used to have a few meat rabbits in fact (although I never actually ate the meat.) I think we all get that here. I just think that *most* of the people that frequent here are 'rabbits as pets' people more so than 'rabbits as food'. I don't think anyone is intentionally trying to isolate you or make you feel unwelcome.
These are the threads you posted:

Nutrition and Behavior > Biases, the cutey factor (1 reply - 8 views)

This is why noone responds to my thread? - Last Post: 30 Apr 2012 03:51 pm

Nutrition and Behavior > Edible Plants: Pics? (0 replies - 26 views)

Really, really like to have - Last Post: 27 Apr 2012 10:02 pm

Nutrition and Behavior > Edible Plants: Pics? (0 replies - 20 views)

Really, really like to have - Last Post: 27 Apr 2012 10:02 pm

Introductions > new (7 replies - 71 views)

new guy - Last Post: 27 Apr 2012 02:56 am


[align=left]First of all, As you can see, there was only one thread where you had no reply. That one thread was asking for something that is very specific, and perhaps it got overlooked for that reason. Sorry about that. If you look in the library section, there is a good article about 'Gardening for your Rabbit'. Most of us do not have enough specific knowledge when it comes to native/wild plants to feel comfortable enough recommending them. Plus, many factors come into play such as pesticides used, if fertilizers were used, different plant variants, etc. It's quite difficult to advise people on such a wide and specific topic. [/align]
[align=left]Second of all, RO is about companion rabbits, that is rabbits that are seen as family members.RO also has some breeders but these arepet/show breeders. Because of this,discussing meat rabbits is not a topic that many people will be warm to. This is part of the forum rules which I have taken from the library so as far as I know, they still apply:[/align]
[align=left]Unacceptable Behavior (Subject to Warnings):

- name calling

- ridiculing of another's opinion

- failure to 'agree to disagree'

- the posting of obviously inflammatory topics (eg: rabbit meat, breeder vs. animal rights attacks) [/align]
[align=left]Third of all, I am sorry if you feel unwelcome. I don't think that is the intention of everyone here. As I said, if you've outed yourself as a meat rabbit owner, most companion owners will be unable to see past that. It's not necessarilyout of spite, but it makes it very hard for people to want to be involved in any way with that kind of lifestyle. The forum is also slow, the weather is getting nicer, and people are just coming in and posting things quickly which they can easily respond to. Quite honestly, if you want this forum to work for you, you have to give it a chance. However, personally, I would think you might more find what you are looking for at a different kind of forum. [/align]
Just out of curiosity, where is the business section? I don't see one...

Have you been to There seem to be more people there who do meat rabbits and there is a section for them - also a section for natural feeding where you might get more answers.

Not that I don't want you here, that's not my intent, just trying to be helpful as it seems like you may get more of the info you're looking for there.
Yes, trying to make this forum fit your interests isn't very realistic.

I thought about responding to that thread, but the only response would have been that such a thing doesn't exist, but if you published such a book, I'd be interested in purchasing a copy.
I wasn't trying to be rude to anyone. To be quite honest sugar and blood pressureproblems run in the family and I'm pre diabetic. Not to mentionI'm a little bipolar.So, whenever I don't eat or skip breakfast it exagerates my mood. If I offended anyone I would like to apologize. Heres a small story: I once went to my mothers home for thanksgiving, last year, with two brand new snow tires in the bed of mypickup truck. I was inside for 45 min. I came out and found one of the tires missing. Needless to say, I raised "something that can't be mentioned here" around the neighborhood. when the food started to kick in and I felt better you know what I realized? I had actually left the second tire at home. So, luckily there were only a few hurt feelings and I apologized to everyone involved. Hopefully that gives everyone a little understanding of my thread. I agree, It was somewhat inflammmatory.

Again, I would like to say I'm sorry. Yes, I'ma guy that admits whenhe's wrong.
Good luck with the pre-diabetes. I am diabetic and until I got my sugars under control I would have these horrible rages. I would get so angry and out of control. It felt like I was losing my mind. I hope you feel better.

I looked at your post requesting pictures, but as Nala said, I just didn't have the info. It would be a cool book that I would buy if you ever find it :)
I certainly don't fault you for using rabbits to make a needed meal. I know that area of the country is economically depressed and you do what you must to survive. I won't say anything more about that, except that I've tried rabbit and it isn't bad.

I wish I could help you as far as what rabbits can and shouldn't eat that grows in the wild. Breeders who've beenaround a while know some of these things, but it seems like whatever someone tells you is safe, someone else will try to tellyou thatit isn't. For example, it's knownamong breeders that when a rabbit stops eating that you can try giving them a few oak leaves to help with digestion and trigger eating again. I've done it several times on the advice of a long time breeder I know, and ithelps...but I'm sure someone somewhere will try to tell me that they readthat it isn't safe.
My question is how can you expect a pet forum to have the same views as you in the meat department? Majority of the rabbit owners on here view their rabbits as part of the family. I think you misunderstood the intentions of this forum and I'm sorry you felt un-welcomed, but if you read every single introduction you'll notice everyone's full intent on owning a rabbit. I also know a lot of rabbit breeders who will only breed for pets and show. As what nela said I would just find a forum that meets your needs of information.
I have been reading over at RabbitTalk off and on all day...

I'm sickened. And I haven't even read the RABBIT parts of the forum yet!!
SunnyCait wrote:
I have been reading over at RabbitTalk off and on all day...

I'm sickened. And I haven't even read the RABBIT parts of the forum yet!!

Agreed, not exactly the super dedicated bunny parents we have here...putting a bun down because it's scared and acting out?? Shows a lot of other news I love my naughty little bunny and wouldn't put her down for anything...unless she was in pain of course
I found a number of useful things at rabbittalk. I don't go there too often, but now & again & never saw anything sickening. Maybe I was just lucky, or you have been unlucky. RO has had people saying that if their rabbit did one more bad thing, it was history. That probably meant it was going to a shelter, but who knows.
it just upsets me when people dump pets that dont do what they want...i have had the meanest, most aggressive cat for 14 years..moved her down from matter how much it cost i made her a promise and i keep it...shes still a total beast but oh well...builds character to lose blood
bobasmomma wrote:
it just upsets me when people dump pets that dont do what they want...i have had the meanest, most aggressive cat for 14 years..moved her down from matter how much it cost i made her a promise and i keep it...shes still a total beast but oh well...builds character to lose blood

Again I say, to each their own. Personally, I'd never keep a "beast cat."
The people on rabbit talk view rabbits as a food source and most take good care of their rabbits and treat them with respect until their last moments of life. I think cows are cute but I still eat them. Everything you buy in those happy little prepackaged containers at the grocery store were once living breathing and cute animals! At least the rabbits are treated nicely. The animals you buy at the store lived in cramped cages their entire lives and were basically tortured while being killed and put onto hot trucks and then sometimes plucked or skinned before being completely dead. And yes the breeders on that forum do cull aggressive animals, this is good for their breeding program because why would you breed an aggressive animal? This animal is not going to waste, it is going to be on their dinner plate. Me personally I do not eat rabbit and probably never will my rabbits are my babies although sometimes I joke that I am going to make them into stew when they misbehave.

I definitely see both sides of the rabbit raising the pet and the meat part. They are wonderful animals and it is sad to me that some people eat them but to each their own, I am not going to be angry at someone who is raising a small easy to care for animal (compared to other farm animals) to feed and sustain their family in a healthy organic way. Some people don't want to eat the prepackaged stuff. Ok end of my soapbox rant. lol
Trust me the OP will definitely find like minded people there.

I don't care about the meat vs pet aspect, I care about the ATTITUDE. Being crude about it doesn't make it "cool". Sorry.

I guess I am more of a person of subtlety though.
Please don't misunderstand my intentions. I don't mean to offend anyone. Your love for a pet is admirable. I have a blond pit and lab or kurr mix that has killed many of my cats over the years. I hated him for it but I also love him. One time he got into something, black insulation I think, and it caused his eyes to swell shut. I spent $40 dollars on some cream from the vet and sat with his 52 lb but in my lap a couple nights because I love him and I felt he was scared and needed the security. I even have formed attachments to my rabbits. They are my pets, but is it weird to sell their offspring and use the offspring for the "unmentionable"? Pets and food are a dillema for me. Its would definately far more difficulty than doing the same with chickens.


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