Audrina is sick again :(

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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2011
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Hampton, Virginia, USA
I hate this time of year here. 85 degrees and sunny one day and the next its in the 50s. The big thing going around right now is the Hand-foot-mouth virus. Audrina has never had this until NOW! She ran a fever all day yesterday and kept saying her mouth hurt and would cry when she drank anything. She wouldnt eat either. She slept from 6pm last night to 930 this morning. I checked her temperature and it was 103. So I took her to the doc and she has the Hand-foot-mouth virus. Blisters all in her mouth. Im waiting for the rash to start. This is awful. I dont even know what to do for her. They cant give her meds because its a we just have to make her comfortable and wait it out:X
Tylenol and motrin combination, different drugs that act differently so can be taken together. Motrin lasts for 8 hours. Vitamin D works well for viruses and flu. Also vitamin C. We have a product in Canada called Cold FX that is also in a childs product that helps with colds and flu. Other than that popsciles, movies, baths, fluids and lots of loves from mommy.
I just got back from the store and got her popsicles, applesauce, ice cream, soup...hopefully something will interest her :( Right now she is laying on the couch with me passed out from this fever. I hate when she is sick. And she cant go out for 7-10 its going to be very hard keeping her entertained because this virus is super contagious
Best that you start yourself on some Vit D and C and maybe an anti flu of some kind. Don't need to get sick yourself. Best of luck with the little one, it is always hard when they are ill.
My son had that a couple years ago, it was NOT fun. He was little so didn't understand at all and pretty much cried for a week.

So sorry, I hope she gets better soon. Hang in there mom!
Brandy, I called my OBGYN and he said that adults are already exposed to it and have an immunity so I cant catch it. Just have to wash my hands really well. There is no risk to the baby since I cant catch the virus. Thank goodness!! I had already told my husband that if there was a risk to the baby then he was going to have to take some time off work and I was gonna stay at his moms until it was gone. So thankfully we dont have to do that
Lisa, its so pitiful. She cant sleep, eat or drink. Im trying desperately to keep fluids in her. She has done nothing but cry and whine and roll around saying her mouth is hurting and now the blisters on her hands are showing up. My husband just found a group of blisters on her wrist...its all happening so quick :(
That just brought me to tears thinking about your poor little girl having to deal with that!
I couldn't imagine, but my heart goes out to y'all.
I hope she gets better soon! Its really hard when children are sick, its heartbreaking.
Morgan, Ive already cried because of this. I can handle the pneumonia and everything else she has ever gotten but this is by far the worst I have seen her. The blisters are starting to show up on her hands and wrists. Two other couples that we hang out have called me today and said their kids have it too. We think they have gotten it from the church nursery. So i called there and told them they needed to disinfect the nurseries for ALL the kids. Hopefully it goes away quick :(
Adults can't catch it? Further proof that I am no adult! I caught it from my niece last year, so I can sympathise with poor Audrina.
The good thing is, it's relatively short! Hopefully it won't be long before things settle down.
becareful that you only use tylenol or motrin. Not an ASA product or children's aspirin. There is always a danger of Reye's Syndrome with these virual infections. You can use a baby teething solution inside her month to take some of the pain away. Just be careful that you do not break the blisters. I wonder if a coritisol cream or calamine lotion would help with the external blisters. You could ask your druggest, also baking soda baths may be soothing. Don't give her anything acidic like fruit juice to drink as it will sting, water and milk - cold. Cold bland food like soft bread or noodles.
Oh Rachel I know, I'm sorry, it sucks so bad. I'm through it so it's easy for me to say, but my son is fine and made it through. I just cuddled him alot and we did popsicles and ice cream. He got whatever he wanted.

If it makes you feel any better it didn't last the full week. I mean he was "sick" for a week but the crying stopped.

Oh and my sister (adult, lol) caught it from her son and it was THE sickest she has ever been in her life. Not trying to scare you but just echoing what Ariana said...adults can catch it too.
It sounds like you would remember having something so horrible. There's no vaccine for it?

Poor little girl. Aveno makes an oatmeal bath that is very soothing as well. You will probably want to use cool water. That's what I do when I get hives and it really helps. You can even make a bit of a thin paste out of it to leave on the skin if she doesn't want to get her whole body in the tub.


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