Are my rabbits happy?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2020
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United kingdom
Hey everybody 🤗
I am back with my stupid questions 😅
So it's been nearly 3 months since my rabbits moved in to live together. And what i notice that there has been less zoomies and binkies since then.
This month Diva will be 1year and 4months old. Maybe she is getting older, she always liked to just flop and sleep all day. But floki will be 8 months old and he was very very active and used to run around all the time. Now sometimes he is playing with his toys, but mostly they just flop and sleep together.. is that normal?
Theo normally calms down in the winter months, so maybe your rabbits are just chilling too? Flopping means they are comfortable and happy, so that is always a good sign.
I love that picture so much! They look so sleepy 😍
Shen flops when he is super comfortable. He normally loafs in his hiding spots, but when he's super happy and comfy, he flops like this. So your bunnies are very comfortable in your home.
Your buns seem extremely content. Rabbits flop when they are happy and it seems like your bunnies are extremely happy🙂 my little bun used to binky and zoomie all the time, but now he flops and sleeps more. It is very cute, and it means he is happy. And I’ve heard that rabbits calm down as they get older, like my bunny, so yours may be as well. And like @Mariam+Theo said, they get a bit calmer during winter I’ve heard. So don’t worry, they look extremely happy🙂8A7975AA-12A2-45C8-96F9-59BEC2B05065.jpeg
I agree with others that they look happy.

But I totally understand you, I also have a rabbit name's Bernie who has changed so dramatically after she met Fred.

Bernie is nearly 3 years now and Fred is unknown age he was found in a cardboard box on street so it is hard to determine his age, he is with me over 2 years now so possibly also about 3 years or older.

Both are very friendly but Bernie was always VERY mean to other rabbits, especially to babies and other girls. I've tried bonding her to a few different girls and one boy but she was too bossy with them and kept requesting grooming grooming grooming and was getting very angry when there was not enough grooming, so the submissive ones were very unhappy with her and I had to separate. With a boy she was just violent, chasing and humping I had to stop it. When on her own she was also not happy and was very very active digging and moving every second. She was also very territorial.

When Fred was neutered (plus one month after that) they were bonded. The whole bonding went really well Fred was a very strong dominant and she just admired him and became submissive, after a few weeks she wasn't peeing around anymore and looked as would some happy housewife from the 50-ties, it is more than a half year now they are bonded, she is very calm and she never pees outside their toilet, there's no stray poos around either, this is just fantastic how Fred trained her, and so quickly! I worried a bit because she is not that active anymore but they look so happy together I think she is just a very happy bun now. And I am so very happy for them both. I think she just met her true love now.

I know your story is different but thought I'd just share mine with you.

Oh, and Bernie is not neutered, I wasn't even sure they will bond, she was so hormonal, but she looks very satisfied with Fred.
I agree with others that they look happy.

But I totally understand you, I also have a rabbit name's Bernie who has changed so dramatically after she met Fred.

Bernie is nearly 3 years now and Fred is unknown age he was found in a cardboard box on street so it is hard to determine his age, he is with me over 2 years now so possibly also about 3 years or older.

Both are very friendly but Bernie was always VERY mean to other rabbits, especially to babies and other girls. I've tried bonding her to a few different girls and one boy but she was too bossy with them and kept requesting grooming grooming grooming and was getting very angry when there was not enough grooming, so the submissive ones were very unhappy with her and I had to separate. With a boy she was just violent, chasing and humping I had to stop it. When on her own she was also not happy and was very very active digging and moving every second. She was also very territorial.

When Fred was neutered (plus one month after that) they were bonded. The whole bonding went really well Fred was a very strong dominant and she just admired him and became submissive, after a few weeks she wasn't peeing around anymore and looked as would some happy housewife from the 50-ties, it is more than a half year now they are bonded, she is very calm and she never pees outside their toilet, there's no stray poos around either, this is just fantastic how Fred trained her, and so quickly! I worried a bit because she is not that active anymore but they look so happy together I think she is just a very happy bun now. And I am so very happy for them both. I think she just met her true love now.

I know your story is different but thought I'd just share mine with you.

Oh, and Bernie is not neutered, I wasn't even sure they will bond, she was so hormonal, but she looks very satisfied with Fred.
Thank you for sharing. Its so interesting how rabbit can change from dominan to submissive.
My Diva is submissive, and Floki is bossing her around sometimes. Yet Diva is the one teaching all the bad habits to Floki 😅 so sometimes i am torn. It is nice to see them cuddling together, but at the same time i miss that little sweet boy that he was and kinda regret bonding them 😅

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