Anyone play World of Warcraft?

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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2009
Reaction score
, Manitoba, Canada
I was just talking to one of my old guildies tonight and it got me thinking about WoW again. I pretty much had to stop playing recently with the loss of decent high speed internet (have satellite internet right now) and I still play a bit here or there for leveling characters.

Right now I have a 72 shaman, a 71 priest, a 70 hunter, a 66 priest, a 64 paladin, a rogue, druid, hunter, warlock and I think a mage? in the mid-to-late 40s. (I leveled the doubles before you could get dual-specs and some of them are different factions/servers)

I started in January of 2006 (gah, it seems so long ago now!) as did most of the people I played with. My priest was my first 60, and my first 70, then my hunter was second and I leveled the paladin and left that server and made my shaman. I used to be one of the leaders of a small casual raiding guild, we did 25-mans 2-3 times a week on the weekends for about 4 hours each time. I was one of the 'caster' leaders, that dealt with everything from boomkin druids to mages. I played a shadow priest at first, then when we changed servers I made my elemental shaman my main. I was pretty decent for my gear-level too if I do say so myself, I was almost always one of the 1-3 top DPS in the raid. I enjoyed beating the better geared rogue in our raid, since we didn't really get along.

Before the patch came to introduce Wrath of the Lich King changes we had made it most of the way through Black Temple after starting 25-man raids in late July. Though it doesn't really say much, since you could get tier 6 equivalent gear through badges. (the gear in Black Temple is tier 6 gear) Most of our guild was late 70s without badge gear though, while the majority of our core team had been raiding and going to pick-up groups for badges and scraps of gear to prepare so we could pick up the rest of the raid.

That's pretty much it. I don't really like playing anymore, but I love the memories of it. I had some fun times. You'll never experience anything quite like getting involved with an online game like that. Stalkers, drama, disappearing acts, thieves, the silly rivalries and competitions to get rare items. Oh, let's not forget I was a girl too. Clearly the fact that I have girl-parts means I brought all sorts of trouble! :rollseyes
I know the experience!! i was a dude though, and i played City of Heroes/ Villains, Aww i miss it i was a lvl 50(50 is lvl cap) Ice/ice/ice blaster and a lvl 50 henchmen/pain domination/ electricity mastermind!

I quit after i did everything twice, on heroes and villains side, so i made a new character and i lost all urge to play any of my characters so i quit. I think i will try WOW not gonna pay i will do private server.. i would rather pay for CoH
"but I love the memories of it. I had some fun times. You'll never experience anything quite like getting involved with an online game like that."

Yes, I had an experience with EQ like this - it was like a 2nd family - 99% of my guild was European, so the hours were perfect for me - heck, they had yearly get together in France, Sweden, Belgium,, never was able to make one, but I'll never forget the great people I met. We did hard-core raiding and were the top guild in progression on our server (TallonZek then Zek after server merge).

Played WoW with my son & daughter for about 18mos., but..just wasn't the same thing.
anneq wrote:
"but I love the memories of it. I had some fun times. You'll never experience anything quite like getting involved with an online game like that."

Yes, I had an experience with EQ like this - it was like a 2nd family - 99% of my guild was European, so the hours were perfect for me - heck, they had yearly get together in France, Sweden, Belgium,, never was able to make one, but I'll never forget the great people I met. We did hard-core raiding and were the top guild in progression on our server (TallonZek then Zek after server merge).

Played WoW with my son & daughter for about 18mos., but..just wasn't the same thing.
It is like a second family. It's crazy. I would have never even met certain people in real life in that game and yet still everyone would ask me where they were and what they were doing like we lived next door to each other. A few of us would log out at once and people would naturally assume we were going to another server/other characters to play together. (they were mostly right) We mail each other stuff too from time-to-time, like when I can't download patches someone will just mail me a CD with it and a few of their favourite add-ons. Or if we happen to find some good tasting cookies or other small items we'll send them around. We never tried to meet though, mostly because all of us were from everywhere. Canada, US, Australia, sometimes even places like Russia.

One of our old main healers is engaged to my sister, so technically some of them are family. :p They met in our guild a few years ago, never would've imagined it would turn out like this!
:twitch: I've been WoW free for a few months, but I'm starting to get the craving again. My boyfriend and his parents bullied me into playing and joining their guild and (much to my dismay) I became addicted.
Well, im torrenting Runes of Magic ratings are close to that of WOW so i think i will try it, wish me luck, i hate being a newb haha:banghead:dunno:crash
mardigraskisses wrote:
:twitch: I've been WoW free for a few months, but I'm starting to get the craving again. My boyfriend and his parents bullied me into playing and joining their guild and (much to my dismay) I became addicted.
Hahaha, my sister used to yell at me all of the time for wasting my time playing it and then she started playing a year after I did and she probably plays way more than I ever did now.

I have the itch to play every so often when I think about how fun raiding was. Then I look at gear from the raids and I slowly lose my need to play. I could level if I wanted to, not so much with the whole dungeon running with strangers, but I could probably with friends alright. I've done lower instances with a lacking group with friends (usually three-man instances at/slightly above our level) without problems.

It's the lag that stops me from trying. Some days it's alright, a few seconds, then there are some days I'll literally stand beside a mob without it reacting for a good few minutes without doing anything and it'll just walk right on by.

I did get to go around buying all of the epic mounts for my level 40 characters though. It was pretty exciting. All of my blood elves have their pink hawkstriders now. Even though the pink hawkstrider is the exact same colour as the red one, if I ignore it, it might not be true.
Just finished the closed beta-testing for AION...
The grahics are gorgeous (almost as good as LoTR)and the style execution of moves & spells are very good - different from what I've seen in other games.
I think I'll go with a cleric since that has always been my main, and level up a sorcerer along with her.
Plan on playing with my son & daughters.
Hopefully, it'll bring some of the magic back that games over the last couple years have lacked.(for me, at least).
anneq wrote:
Just finished the closed beta-testing for AION...
The grahics are gorgeous (almost as good as LoTR)and the style execution of moves & spells are very good - different from what I've seen in other games.
I think I'll go with a cleric since that has always been my main, and level up a sorcerer along with her.
Plan on playing with my son & daughters.
Hopefully, it'll bring some of the magic back that games over the last couple years have lacked.(for me, at least).

Was it amazing? I can't wait for it to come out. :biggrin2:
So far from what I've seen, it looks really good.
I guess it depends on what you like to focus on in a game - I like a blend of pvp & questing (cannot do hard-core raiding anymore).
Seems like there should be enough of both to satisfy both.
Didn't get to pvp - but as a healer, I certainly am NOT going to be going out alone (not if I can help it, lol). My daughter played an assasin, which she loved, and my son played a gladiator, which he enjoyed very much also.
So, I just heard about the new expansion. My friend was telling me about it, and my first impression was 'ehh, who cares? Worgen are ugly and I don't want to ever go back to Deadmines again'. So I decided to look a little more closely. They're revamping all of the old zones. I've had alts trapped in Westfall for years because I just can't bring myself to kill the mechanical harvesters or search for the defias. But all new old zones? They're changing the stats to the simplest form that I remember being a level 60 healing priest and thinking that was the way to go. (clearly intellect and spirit was all I needed, who needs a silly stat like healing?) No more spell power? Yes please.

And I kind of like the worgen. >.>

I'm not sure if this will spark my interest in leveling my characters to 80 or not yet, but it got me to look at it again. I mean, I do kind of have this expansion I paid nearly 80$ for and woke up at 5AM to get. What? I needed that frostwyrm pet!

But what kind of worgen would I make? Hmm. I have a priest, shaman, hunter, paladin, druid, rogue, death knight. Maybe a mage? But they'd look silly in robes. I may make another rogue. I wish they could be shaman. I love shaman. What's not to love in a class that can heal, cast and melee?

Then again this is just little bits of information being leaked out. None of this could happen, or all of it could. I remember Blizzard telling all of us that we'd never get cheaper mounts before 40 and now my level 20 alts can pick one up for 10 gold. I also regret borrowing (and never paying back) the 650 gold I needed to get my first epic land mount. They only cost 50 now. Sigh.

Oh well, I'm excited to see the changes!
Rayen wrote:
Oh well, I'm excited to see the changes!
I'm very nervous about the changes... I'm afraid Blizzard is going to far with them. But then again, that's what everyone said when they introduced Draenei/Blood Elves/Death Knights.

I've been seeing a lot of mixed reactions. Not quite sure where I stand on this whole issue yet, but I'm not excited about seeing Troll druids or Undead hunters running around. :twitch:

Although I did jump for joy when I found out mounts are now available at level 20 and for cheap.
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of the class changes either, honestly. Night elf mages? No thank you. I knew they were going to do it eventually, I'm not going to be surprised if every race can be everything eventually (for a cost of real money, obviously, it's not like we pay to play the game or anything :rollseyes).

I really like the stat change though. You have no idea how annoyed I was gearing my elemental shaman and having to pick up random cloth and leather gear because my mail gear was all haste and spell damage instead of crit and spell damage. Haste was amazing for shaman, yes, but not when you're still under the crit you need. Intellect gives mana, crit and spell power now. Or at least, I hope it still gives crit. I'm also a bit worried about the whole mana/5 thing, they've been trying to take it away from casters for awhile now, and my shaman was always horrible with mana.

It's not really a big change for a lot of classes really. Rogues always wanted agility because of the raid buffs for the crit/AP increase anyway, druids wanted strength/agility, etc. it was just getting ridiculous seeing the AP bonuses on items. It'll be nice for healers again too, I know I lost a lot of gear to mages/warlocks on my second priest when they first introduced spell damage to healing gear, before spell power. Spirit is supposed to be a healer-only stat now, so mages and warlocks might stay away for once.

I'm mostly excited to see all of the beginner zones changing. I pretty much know those zones off by heart now that I've leveled so many alts of the two factions. It'll be refreshing to make a new alt and have totally new quests and zones to go to at different levels. Plus the fact leveling will be easier, especially for casters, now that they get spell power so early on through gear.

I've been around for all of the expansions, and people do whine every single time something changes. I can still remember the piles of people threatening to quit if X change wasn't made to Y class. I still had a priest as a main when the priests had this giant outrage about some changes and were crashing servers. Then I moved to my shaman as the shaman community had their outrage. (haa my classes were played by angry, angry people) The blood elves were probably the biggest fit I've seen, the horde who just months before were crying about how low their population was crying about how they didn't want a pretty race to increase their population. I liked the old male blood elves, but they were (heaven forbid) too feminine so they made them all funny looking. I was so excited for a decent looking male character, I can't stand most of the others with their giant puffed out chests and tree stump arms.

I'm still excited until I see more content. It's been going downhill since BC was released, so I'm not going to keep my hopes high, but I still want to see what happens.
I'm sure everything will turn out fine like it always has. But if it does go to crap I always have Aion to run to.

Or hell, even Dungeon & Dragons online. I did the free trial of that and it was pretty fun. :p

Blizzard will never die, haha.
"they made them all funny looking. I was so excited for a decent looking male character, I can't stand most of the others with their giant puffed out chests and tree stump arms."

LoL, so true.
Really I think the best graphics for a game as far as races & environment was Lord of the Ring - I was just amazed at how everything, especially the water, looked so realistic. sigh...I just got burned out on doing quests - the ones where you need a group (fellowship) really DO need a group and my playtime is not evening, so it is very difficult to find one. That and grinding deeds......and no significant pvp to speak of.
I hope they improve Warhammer, but it looks at this point like the game is really dwindling. I love that pvp is very much a part of the I wait for AION and see how that goes.
I was looking at Aion last night, it looks beautiful, but I'm pretty sure five minutes in my computer would blow up. I have some cheap 400$ laptop I got since my old one was about to fall apart, and it can play WoW alright, but then again, you don't need much to play WoW.

I may try it out one day if I happen to have a more decent machine capable of running it. I like all of the pretty wings.

I never tried playing Warhammer, I had a few friends that did that told me not to even bother with it. I'm not really into PvP though, whenever I PvP in WoW I usually have a gathering of friends that heal me as I blow things up. Well, when I still had decent internet at 70 that's what we did. I had no PvP gear so I dropped so fast, but my raid gear was pretty decent so even with all of their fancy PvP gear, I could still kill most people before they killed me. (with an assortment of healy druids, priests, shaman, paladins behind me.) I loved that shaman.

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