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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2010
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I have been browsing our local Craigslist pet section for rabbits lately, but I have been seeing a few free ones. it makes me want to adopt them or even foster them, just so I know that they are going to be OK. Free so far has shown me that people really don't care much what is going on with their animal, or who it goes to even.

Does anyone else feel this way?

I'm thinking I might adopt 3 more rabbits (yes, we have room actually, but my husband doesn't want me to get any more. Pfffshaw, we only have 4 lol).

I think I'm going to talk to my hubby. 2 of them are babies. Only 4-5 mths old. if I had a large room for just rabbits, I'd just put up an ad as a rabbit adoption agency and just take in all of the ones I see! :)
I can relate, though I try not to go on craigslist anymore because there is always rabbit's for free with sad stories and I cannot take anymore in. Free doesn't necessarily mean the person doesn't care, plenty of times it's due to ignorance. They do not realize all the awful reasons some people may take in free animals. Bait, Animal and Human consumption, Animal Research and of course animal abusers. I also think many times animals are listed for free the person is looking to get them out of their lives quickly. When I can I try sending a nice email to the person with the free rabbit ad just to provide some food for thought regarding the matter. Whether the rabbit is free or $100, good screening of the potential new home is the most important part.

If you do take in some craigslist bunnies, be sure to quarantine. :thumbup

It's also probably wise to prepare for possible behavioral problems, which people can just happen to leave out. Most of the rabbit's I see on craigslist seem to come from homes that don't have enough time, meaning the rabbit probably spends a lot of time in a small cage with little human interaction. I'm in no way sharing all this to turn you off to rescuing some bunnies from craigslist, that would be wonderful! I just like to go over all worst case scenarios, helps to be prepared.

:carrot -Erika
That is true.

I have gotten 3 of 4 rabbits from craigslist. lol. And I really try to not look, but it's hard not to.

Maybe I could just do what you said you've done, and send a friendly email stating why it's unsafe to not screen people.

Just makes me sad.

I kinda understood what I was getting into with a rabbit. I knew they were more time and everything, and I have found that they aren't any more time than a dog or cat really (and they're more fun than my dog and cat lol).

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