Anti Easter Bunny Poster

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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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Riverside, California, USA
Here's a good Anti-Easter bunny poster to share on your facebook pages. It's from a local rescue.

Hope you don't mind me piggybacking on this thread - seems like less fuss than making a thread of my own just to ask... does anyone know of a store (in the US/Texas) that sells an Easter basket for < $5 that's big enough to hold three bunns (3.75 lbs, 4.5 lbs and 5.5 lbs) or failing that, the two smaller bunns (my camera doesn't like Normie anyway, lol)? I don't give a **** about quality - I just want cheap and, if possible, brightly colored :p.

I'm planning on making some anti-"live Easter bunny" stickers (if I can figure out a cheap and effective way to do it, maybe even bumper stickers) and perhaps a page on my website or something - I was thinking I'd take a picture of my three in an Easter basket and photoshop in the red circle with a line through it that means "no" and give it a caption of "Pets aren't presents" or something :D.
I totally want to print this picture out and post it EVERYWHERE! Theres a pet shop down the road that needs massive billboard sized posters of this in front of it!
I think, I'll find something like to print out and put it around town!

I definitely agree with the fact that rabbits are not "easter bunnies". But teh paragraph slightly offended me.

Rabbits are perfectly capable of living outside if they are healthy and well taken care of. The word "need" was not used correctly. All of my rabbits live outside and have never had problems. They are also healthy and happy, with lots of friends and room to run around and have fun.

Some people dye chicks and bunnies for Easter! How terrible is that?! :( I never sell around Easter.
I can see why they would insist on bunnies needing to be inside - the people they're hoping to get through to with the message obviously aren't going to be the sorts to do a lot of research before getting a pet. Rabbits are prone to heat stroke at a MUCH lower temperature than most animals - your average non-rabbit-educated person who wanted to keep a rabbit outdoors probably wouldn't think twice about putting them out there in temperatures of 85-90F without taking any precautions/extra cooling measures... which could very easily result in a bunny dying of heat stroke. Rabbits should NOT be kept outside unless you actually know what you're doing and care enough to make the proper accommodations to keep them cool enough... and that's not even getting into the potential predator issues and such if you don't set up their environment properly.

I agree that it's not an absolute - tons of savvy rabbit owners keep their bunns outdoors and those rabbits are perfectly healthy, happy and well-cared for... but unfortunately when all you have is a paragraph and the exceptions to what's overall a good rule of thumb for beginners are complicated, it's simpler to just state something as an absolute ><. I don't agree with their statement, but I can understand why they phrased things the way they did.

As for dyeing, there *are* ways to do something like that without causing harm or stress... and I can't say I'd never have an oddly-colored rabbit, as my girls' green-tinged paws tell otherwise, lol - their dig pool, which has been temporarily taken away because they peed it up and I haven't refilled it yet, contained topsoil, hardwood mulch and a little bit of very un-dusty play sand that was dyed green with tempera paint powder, lol - it ended up staining their paws a bit, offering hilarious proof that even though they acted like they hated their Christmas present, they were digging in it when no one was looking. Still, dying an entire animal on purpose is just plain silly and most people probably DON'T do it in a way that isn't stressful/doesn't involve getting their whole coat fairly wet... and anyone who does it as a sales gimmick shouldn't be allowed to sell animals (personally, I'd torture the jerks!). Bunns look better in their natural coloring!
I definitely agree with the fact that rabbits are not "easter bunnies". But teh paragraph slightly offended me.

Rabbits are perfectly capable of living outside if they are healthy and well taken care of. The word "need" was not used correctly. All of my rabbits live outside and have never had problems. They are also healthy and happy, with lots of friends and room to run around and have fun.

Some people dye chicks and bunnies for Easter! How terrible is that?! :( I never sell around Easter.

I keep my rabbits outside too, so I know what you mean.

Has anyone heard of that "Make Mine Chocolate" campaign? I wonder if they are still operating? They advocate buying chocolate bunnies as Easter gifts instead of live rabbits.
Okay... so the picture is kind of disturbing even though it's fake... the rabbit looks dead! Ah! They did a good job with that!
In most states its illegal to dye chickens and rabbits. In South Carolina it is, but they still do it. Its one of those ignored laws.

I sent this to my mom to put on her FB, since I don't have one. She works with an animal rescue, so I'm sure it will be passed around and tagged and whatnot. Hopefully it might stop some people from buying Easter Bunnies!
I have been to the "Make Mine Chocolate" on Facebook. It is still up and running although it is not updated too often. They also have memes there about getting a stuffed animal bun versus a live bun. I usually post something on my facebook page from them around Eater although I seriously doubt I have to worry about any of my "friends" but figure it could help if any repost it.