Ant Invasion šŸ˜’

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Aug 14, 2020
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Some tiny little ants came in with one of my bags of hay a few weeks ago. I thought I threw them out along with the hay, but turns out they have taken up residence in the corner of the front door frame instead.

Trying boiling water on the ā€œnestā€ and zapping them with a water / vinegar / vodka mix, but no idea how effective thatā€™s going to be. Not very yogi of me and my house smells delightful, but what to do...

Myself use an ant poison but then I make sure my bunnies wonā€™t go near the spot and I will clean it up after itā€™s done the job. I have poison that when the ants carry it to the nest and feed the whole ant nest dies. I only give it to the ants that go into the house. Worse invasion myself had was when the house got filled with flying ants, those pesky ants trying to find mates.

I make sure my bunnies donā€™t get in the spot of where the poision have been placed for at least a month and I will clean away all the ants.

At least that what we use on ants when they get into the house. We pick a spot to place the poison and a few days later no more ants. Ants outside can do whatever they want as long they donā€™t invade the house.
I remember when I lived with my mum we had flying ants in the kitchen and they all took off one afternoon... nightmare!

Iā€™m in a 1 bed apartment at the moment and the buns are everywhere, so I have to be careful what I use. Iā€™m also moving out in 10 days so I could just leave it to be someone elseā€™s problem šŸ˜‚. But Iā€™d quite like my deposit back. There will be a few days when it will be totally empty so perhaps Iā€™ll try the poison then if theyā€™re still about. Just a nuisance grrr
I remember when I lived with my mum we had flying ants in the kitchen and they all took off one afternoon... nightmare!

Iā€™m in a 1 bed apartment at the moment and the buns are everywhere, so I have to be careful what I use. Iā€™m also moving out in 10 days so I could just leave it to be someone elseā€™s problem šŸ˜‚. But Iā€™d quite like my deposit back. There will be a few days when it will be totally empty so perhaps Iā€™ll try the poison then if theyā€™re still about. Just a nuisance grrr

Then itā€™s holding out until you empty the place, Iā€™m quite sure you wonā€™t get smacked with an invasion in 10 days. But they can be annoying šŸ¤£
I use ant poison traps that I can stick to the wall so my rabbits can't reach it
Then itā€™s holding out until you empty the place, Iā€™m quite sure you wonā€™t get smacked with an invasion in 10 days. But they can be annoying šŸ¤£
At least theyā€™re really tiny ants and theyā€™re staying in the hallway for now. Iā€™ll just be counting down the days haha
Ooh I had no idea there was such a thing. If I can find some here Iā€™ll give them a go!
Here are some that we used to use! They can stick to the wall out of reach from your rabbits. Amazon
I like these
They are safe for pets since the bait is only available to the ants. Move them around as necessary. Forager ants take it back to the queen and kill the colony.
Fabulous, thanks everyone.

I seem to have got one nest under control with the unconventional approach of hot water mixed with hand sanitiser spray poured over the site šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø. Thatā€™s all I really had available until I could get to a hardware store or order online. I donā€™t feel very nice about it though, poor ants. The bunnies never venture over to that area, so no issues so far as they are concerned.

There are still a few ants marching around in another area though, so I need to figure out where theyā€™re coming from, but nowhere near as many as there were

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