It's possible you have seasonal allergies thatare aggrivated by the bunnies. That's my problem. I'm allergic to myboys but very minimal and I canlive with some minor sneezing.In the spring my allergies flare up especially in hot weather andthat's the only time I take allergy meds -- last year it was for about6 weeks, this year I've only taken it the odd day. So I'll pray itsthat! And hay is a common allergy too that's aggrivated by warm springweather with all the pollen in the air. I'm also allergic to hay and Ibreak out in hives if I prick myself with hay.
But in any case, isn't living on allergy meds better than having to get rid of the rabbits?
P.S.- NEVER rub your eyes or touch them until after you've washed yourhands, it only makes it worse. If your eyes get itchy, rinse with coldwater.