Alicia and the Zoo Crew 2011

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Busy worked all weekend.
Go take a relaxing bath or something. You're not bored, you're just not accustomed to having time to yourself. Go unwind!
Took a long shower. I am happy now. Going to scrapbook tomorrow. :D
Woohoo! I know how it is. When I get super busy it can be really hard for me to just stop and relax, so then it translates into boredom.

Scrapbooking sounds so fun. I've never tried it, but I have wanted to for a long time now. I've heard it can get expensive, though.
It can but there are ways to do it cheap. I found saving scraps is a great thing. You can use them in so many ways. Look for stores like Target that markdown things after holidays so that you can stock up for the next holiday. Be creative with things around you. Ribbons, buttons, charms etc can be used.
Send me the stuff and I will. :p
I worked Sunday 4am-12:40pm, Tuesday 6am-3:30pm, Thursday 10am-6pm, Friday 9am-3pm, Saturday 10am-6:30pm, Sunday 4am-12:30pm, Off monday, and today 6am-3:48pm. Work the next 3days 8hrs each, spending Friday into Saturday at my brothers watching the baby so they can sleep. That Saturday picking up the other two god kids and will have all three for the day. 12yr old, 2and half year old and a the newborn. :DThan repeat the work week.
Yuck! Hubbs has been doing 12-hour shifts since Saturday night and it's taken its toll on both of us, so I understand where you're coming from. Take a letter from hubby's philosophy, sleep whenever you can! He naps like it's going out of style.
LOL Napping is hard for me.
So for some odd reasons I agreed to work today. :(
Tonight into tomorrow
I was always like that back when I was working. I never turned down the opportunity for more hours, even if it was going to run me ragged.

Enjoy your night!
Thank you. Had an awesome time with the kids. Had all my god kids with me. :)

On another note guess they were wrong about today.

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