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New Member
May 24, 2010
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Detroit, Michigan, USA
We've had our lopped earred bunny now for 3 years. He is not neutered. There is an ad for someone to please take a bunny from a family who is moving and cannot take their male. So my question males get along with other males? Not sure if he is neutered.

Is this a good idea? I read somewhere once that one should let the rabbit see if they like their new roommate...that ignoring is a good sign. Watch for fighting. Should I feel bad he is alone? He gets pet and love every day and given snacks (along with food and water of course). Is this too late to do this? He is 3 years old and never had a companion.
Its best to ensure both males are neutered.

If you intend to take on a second rabbit, do be prepared to house them both seperate for life.
They may be able to bond (again neuter both) but on the chance they dont, you should be able to house them on their own, give them both free time, etc.
Males' bonds are easier to break too. It took me 4 months to get my boys to like each other. It lasted two months and they're back to trying to kill each other.
2 males can get along but it can be more tricky compared to a male and female. Both do need to be neutered and given a chance to heal and for the hormones to leave the body before you try.

If you want to try it, you will need to get them neutered and then wait a couple months before they will be ready. This will mean separate cages and no interaction without barriers. Once they are ready, you can follow the guidelines for bonding. With any bonding, there is always a chance they will not get along, so you need to be prepared for that. If you can only have one cage, then it is best to not get another rabbit.

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