Adventures with Barney...

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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2010
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, , United Kingdom
Hey! Sparney and Barney here!

This is my new blog for barney, i thought making a new one would be good! :biggrin2:

Just a bit about Barney so you get to know him.


D.O.B: 4/4/2007

Type: Orange Netherland Dwarf Buck.

Relations(that i know!): Mother- Nectre, Father- Herb, and a twin brother but he got sold on. He probably has lots of other half and full brother and sisters.

Other: He is affectionate, and he doesn't have a bad bone in his body. But he does have a cheeky one! He has Myximotosis. He has jumped 25cm but im not doing jumping with him much now.

Today my cousin(crazedbl)is coming round for a sleepover and we are going to have some fun with Barney!! I will post if he does anything.
he didnt do anything:/ and it rained so we coudlnt
But today i cleaned him out today and he climbed on the big pile of mud by his hutch. It was cute and i got a pic on my phone, i will upload i to the pc and post it here!
I will also get some pics on sooon too! =p
heres one! I will upload some more, but i havent yet. But here is one-bigger one from my avatar.
he was supriosingly good this bonfire night.
he did get scared though, so i did give him a few treats which calmed him down cos he was eating :p
but he did hide in the dark/sleeping part of his hutch which is where he goes when he is scared or needs the loo! (but he was in there a while so im guessing he was scared)
There are some more fireworks on tonight but i will be checking on him until they are over(its because it is the village's one),which might be quite a while but he will be OK, if he is looking scraed i will go outside, normallyu i look out the window and shine a torch down(lol) so i can see him.
ive literally just had barney inside. I took some pictures and he was fine.
but he was pretty naughty, first he went in the pot of a little olive tree we have in our house, and he ate one of the leaves that had fell off it(got a picture of him, i will upload it). He then got attracted to a corner where there was some dust, he decided to stick his nose in it and get dust on him(got a picture of that too-its very cute!). he also just mucked about and kept coming to me, then runing away, then coming, then running away and so on and so on.
barney is just sometimes the worlds cheekiest bun!
he is extremely curious, and then his curiosity takes over him so he goes here there and everywhere!!!!!
but i do lovehim =)
and he also went into the living room which he isnt allowed to go in.
He's not house traied because hes and outdoor rabbit and one day, when he was allowed in the living room- he decided that he would pee behind the curtain! and it stained. then we got a new carpet when we decorated so that made it so he was never allowed in the living room-my parents decision this is.
and from that day, he has tried to escape into the living room and has succeeded many times, but he has also had his adventure cut short when someone see's him coming and shuts the living room door- poor barney.
he does have fun in the places he is allowed to go in though
only now when you look at the pics of him you see how much he's changed! Dont you think?

back to the blog-
nothing interesting has happened, but i have found out that if you rub his shoulder area he turns round to lick your hand! which i think is quite cute. cos i was storke him all over and he seems to like being stroked on the fluffy patch infront of his ears and his scruff and on his shoulder.
thank you Bunny parents!
i brought barney in today and have given him some cardboard to chew because we had some spare boxes :p
he really did like it!
sparney wrote:
thank you Bunny parents!
i brought barney in today and have given him some cardboard to chew because we had some spare boxes :p
he really did like it!
Your boy is the same as my girl ! Her favourite toy is cardboard. I've made it in many shapes ; tunnel, space ship ( that's what I call it :D ) She really loves it. it's good too, coz it keeps her busy from chewing our bed ! Can't wait to hear more about Barney.
ill try different shapes too!
im also thinking of getting a little one and putting hay and treats inside!

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