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Mar 13, 2015
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So I adopted two bonded male/female bunnies one week ago from the human society. At the human society their cage was right when you walk in so everyone would walk by and see them they were in a dog exercise pen so people were able to reach in . They are semi friendly as I sit in their area they will come over and check me out sometimes bumping me or digging or even hopping over my legs. However they move away when I go to pet them and seem scared if I try to hold them. My question is should I be waiting until they want to be petted and held or should I keep trying?? A friend told me to keep trying or they will want to be touched less and less and another said wait and by trying will only make them fearful of me. While I can see both points of views it leaves me questioning which route to take. Oh I should point out they are 4 1/2yrs old an given up when they were 2yrs so they have been there 2 1/2 yrs Will they ever get more friendly ?
I would use small treats and a lot of patience but definitely keep trying :). I don't pick up my rabbits unless necessary for nail clipping, and we're all fine with that. But keep sitting there and offer a small treat when they come near. They may never be cuddly with you, my Cali still shies away from pets even after almost two years here. But she amuses me in other ways. Feel good knowing that you gave a happy home to two little orphans, they will trust you more with time.
You haven't had them that long. The fact that they come over and investigate you is a very good sign. When they do that, ignore them. That way they understand that you are 'safe.' Then, you can take the next step by offering them a sprig of cilantro or something. Treats are a great way to win a bunny's heart!

As they go crazy for the treats, sneak in some pettings then. Only gradually work up to petting them. They will often let you know when they are ok with being pet at a particular moment. They will crouch themselves down and lower their head when your hand is near if they are accepting of affection.

I would not force picking them up at any time. This will make the bonding process go slower because they will hesitate to come near, fearful of being picked up again.

And with all that said, it will take time. For some bunnies it will be quicker, some will take longer.

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