Abbreviating Your Rabbitry Name

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Sep 7, 2014
Reaction score
Hello -
My rabbitry name is "Bunnies in Bows" I have a web site and everything... So I don't want to change it... Do you like it though?
My question is, when it doesnt fit well on the pedigree, can I abbreviate it to Bow's _______ and then the rabbit's name? Or should it be B in B's BIB's or BB's.. Im sure BB's is taken anyways?? If the rabbit's name is short great, if not... then what do I do?
On the pedigree you can abbreviate however you like. You want to make sure that however you abbreviate it on a pedigree people will know who that abbreviation belongs to and there is not another rabbitry with the same abbreviation. This may not always be available knowledge but you try to make it more unique so there should be no question.

An example is our rabbitry is Owen's Bunnies and our pedigree names go like Owen's _____. So a rabbits call name or tattoo go in the blank (ex: Owen's Avalon or Owen's BCG). Another thing that helps is our rabbitry name is registered so that no one else registering through arba can have the same name and there is less of a chance of someone copying