Abandoned rabbit, help!?

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doggie0506 wrote:
I'm really worried we won't catch cinibun and the other rabbit!!!! We are leaving in an hour and we don't have them yet :(:(:(

Wont she/he eat out of your hand?

If so just try to feed him/her then put your hand on top of her it will freak her out. But at least you will have her then put the thing the other bunny cant live without in the trap food water treat fruit stuff that they can smell.

I mean put your hand on her back so that she cant get away I have to catch storm like this as he is not a pick me up type bun. For his monthly nail trimming and scent gland cleaning
tonyshuman wrote:
I would try to herd her into it, or bait it with some fresh veggies. You could get a large group of people to form a large circle around her, and then gradually walk inward, closing the circle around her, to either grab her by hand or move her toward the trap.

edit: Rabbits are sold for anywhere from $5-more than $100. A mixed breed non-show rabbit would go for free to $40 on craigslist. An adopted bunny from a shelter ranges from $25-$70 if already spayed or neutered. Show rabbits can be more expensive, especially if they come from a very good line.
I came across a local shelter/rescue in NC that asks $115.00 per bun...I was surprised...
Hey guys I have some good news and bad news the bad news is that we wernt able to catch cinibun or the other rabbit :( :( but we left food and water out for them. The good news us that my parents surprised me and took me to get a rabbit from a breeder outside of our town :) the rabbit I choose was a pure white new zeland(i didn't choose the breed/colour)The breeder said that it is still to young to tell if it is a boy or girl (month and a half) so it dosnt have a name yet. If anyone has any suggestions let me know! BTW it has huge ears:) (I will post pics tomorrow)
In a ways im happy but also sad about this!

Happy that you have a nice new bunny and that you and your family will be happy.

Sad in that Cinibun is either dead or will never have a home so will probably die.
If you build a shelter for the bunny at the cottage, that will improve his/her chances of survival greatly. And s/he has a friend, they can keep each other warm.

Did you try calling the Humane Society? Or a rabbit rescue? It still really important for somebody to try and round up the pair. They will probably have babies.


If you can post the exact location on the Ontario Rabbit Education board, maybe somebody there can help.


sas :?
Yeah, it's important for them to get out of the wild, even if you won't be taking them in. I'd call the Humane Society and tel them where they are.
I disagree. At this point there'll probably be babies soon. If you should catch them you may risk leaving a litter ophaned. Leaving food and water may also be a bad idea because they'll have to learn to fend for themselves before it gets really cold. They should learn now. Of course without the goodies they may not stay around.

I would be surprised if any rescues will be willing to send people out to try to catch them. A little niave to think they have the resources.
Well, considering that these rabbits will soon be a dinner for a fox, wolf, mountain lion, hawk, or other wild animal, I would hope that a rescue would come and attempt to trap them.

I know that my Humane Society, which is not very well funded but I'll admit better than most, will trap stray rabbits. There is also a shelter nearby that only takes in strays, and they are very resource-limited. They don't even have an adoption program--they just pick up strays from the area and either euthanize them or send them to other shelters to be adopted. That is where our bunny Frida came from. She was a stray that they took in, and the Humane Society I help at took her from there to adopt out, and we got her. The member TreasuredFriend started her whole rescue (Soulmate Rabbit Rescue) after catching several bunnies that were stray on the streets and had babies. It is not at all naive to think that rescues or shelters will pick up stray animals.

It is sometimes more humane to give a stray animal a peaceful death via euthanization than let them have a terrible, painful death due to disease or a predator. These rabbits are not equipped to survive the winter, whether or not people put out food for them, particularly in Ontario. Also, if they are picked up by a rescue or Humane Society, they may be able to find a new home that way.

If they catch them and the girl has signs of just having given birth, they can look around for the babies. However, saving these two, even if you lose a litter of babies born in the wild in doing so, is much better than letting both of them and their potential babies suffer in the winter and die at the teeth of a predator. The suffering of at least those two that you have caught will be eliminated. If the babies die because you have captured the mother but haven't found the babies, it is sad but not as sad as losing the mom, dad, AND babies.

Two rabbits either turn into a meal for an animal quite quickly, or if the climate is right and there are few predators (as seen one the campus of one university famous for this), they quickly become a large feral rabbit colony, which creates even more suffering eventually.

I urge the OP to contact the local humane society or any rescue organization in the area. Pipp posted the website for the Ontario Humane Society, which is www.yourhumanesociety.org
thanks for all the comments for helping cinibun and the other rabbit and im sure they are starting to ge used to the whole wild and free concept because we found a burrow near our garden. Anyway the new rabbit is still scared of people the breeder said that it didnt have much human interaction so it will be scared for a few days. It also has a little bit of poopy butt that im kind of concerned about since it has been only eating what the breeder said he feeds it. Anyway it still needs a name, I was thinking about mabey Monster if its a boy and Petunia for a girl, any suggestions?
Well, you can continue to give the pellets the breeder gave you, but make sure he has hay to eat and lots of water. When you say poopy butt, do you mean cecals (grape-shaped, bad smelling) or fecals (normally look like coco puffs, can get smeared though)? Another new topic might help because you'll get more answers. Better place would be the Infirmary.

edit: I have a hamster named Petunia, so I like that name!
Have you called a shelter about picking Cinibun and the other bunny up...? I'm in Ontario also, and I know that the temperature has been dropping pretty quickly here. I've been thinking about this, and I can definitely try and help you find a shelter if you need someone to help you..
Thanks everyone for all of your help and suggestions! we are going up to the cottage this weekend and I am going to bring the new rabbit since we are going to be gone for 4 days. I would like try to catch cinibun but i don't know where I would keep him! My parents said I could and that it would be up to me to decide. I would love to keep him but like I said I dont know where I would keep him! So if anyone has any other suggestions about wether or not I should keep him that would be great! I also have been looking for rescues so if anyone knows of any let me know! We have 3 different ospca's less than an hour away from us but I was going to look for a rabbit rescue.
At this point, it may be better just to contact the OSPCA. If they don't have space for her and her buddy after they trap them, they probably have a relationship with a rescue that they can give the bunnies they can't care for to. For instance, our local Humane Society is in contact with our House Rabbit Society chapter, and if they can't care for a bunny or find it a home, they send them to the HRS.
I know that right now one of the ospca's that are close to me only has one or two bunnies at the moment and have space for more
Please keep us posted. I totally sympathize and agree with tonyshuman's comments. I'd be out there searching for those rabbits if they were in our neighborhood. Kind-hearted persons will do their best.
There's a big difference between careLess and caring humans.
People who dump rabbits (to die inhumanely) are not the role models this world and future generations need.

Hope the local rescues or kindhearted persons will get them to safety.

Hi there,

So when i last read you and your dad couldnt find Cinibun, but now you've found a burrow near your garden?

So does this mean you've found cinibun and caught him but cant house him as you've already not got your own bunny?
I think I already posted info about the OREO forum, but here it is again.


If you post your location on there, I'm sure people will volunteer to either catch the bunnies (both bunnies) or take them to a rescue once you catch them.

They're small rabbits and they're endangered, they will freeze to death, its not just an owner surrender. It's basically abuse on the part of the careless person who let them loose. I'm sure people will step up to help with their rescue. I just hope there are rabbit people close by.

But please post the information on that forum ASAP!

sas :expressionless
Were going upto the cottage this weekend and to clear things up I bought a rabbit from a VERY sketchy breeder (the man sort of forced us into buying from there) we have not caught cinibun we are going to try this weekend. And could everybody stop saying how horrible I am for not being able to capture and save cinibun I have tried my very best but we also have a life that consists of school, full time jobs, hockey 3nights a week, gymnastics 3 nights a week and more. I am again trying very hard to do somthing for theese rabbits so please be more positive about this situation. :)
doggie0506 wrote:
Were going upto the cottage this weekend and to clear things up I bought a rabbit from a VERY sketchy breeder (the man sort of forced us into buying from there) we have not caught cinibun we are going to try this weekend. And could everybody stop saying how horrible I am for not being able to capture and save cinibun I have tried my very best but we also have a life that consists of school, full time jobs, hockey 3nights a week, gymnastics 3 nights a week and more. I am again trying very hard to do somthing for theese rabbits so please be more positive about this situation. :)

I think people are miss understanding also the 2 buns are at a cottage you dont live there full time right?

Its like a weekend get a way-Yes?

I also think people thought you had stopped trying cause of your bun.

I dont think you have.

I would though try to contact a local spce or something. You you still have the live traps? cause when you not there during the week they could be checing the traps. If you dad where to let you keep cinibun mabye you could have them spayed/neutered. And bond the three or even keep them in seperate parts of the shed.

By the way love the shed yall are building.

Hopefully you would catch them this weekend. But remeber if there are two buns dont stop trying if you catch cinibun. Also if she will eat out of your hand mabye you could get her to take a apple then just grab her

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