Abandoned rabbit, help!?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2009
Reaction score
, Ontario, Canada
At our cottage there is a person up the road who let 5 rabbits go and 2 of them made their way to our cottage. Sadly we think that one of them was killed because we don't see it around anymore, but I have made friends with the living one and I have named it Cinibun. He/She let's me pet it and it will take food from my hands. I asked my parents if we can keep it/bring it to the animal shelter and they said no. I have done TONS of research on rabbits and how to care for them. I planned out that I could use my money to buy all the supplies and a vet checkup for him/her. I talked to my mom and she said yes but my dad said no. I built a small shelter where it likes to hang out as well as filled up a feeder with rabbit pellets for it. My mom/dad said that they know I would be resposible enough to take care of it but they said that they don't want a rabbit. I am 13 have straight A's (85%average) and love animals. We also have a dog who is very very laid back and even let's the rabbit sniff her while she is lying in our yard. How can I convince my parents to let me keep Cinibun? (sorry if this is in the wrong section)
To start with, it was very wrong of the previous owners to "free" their rabbit! The rabbit will not be able survive on its own. The responsible thing to do would be to either care for it or bring it to a shelter that will find a home for it.

Good luck!
If your parents won't let you have the rabbits, then I would try to get them to a shelter. With the weather & winter coming they may not survive.

Did your parents change their minds?
Well congratulations on befriending it in the first place! As for the parental situation, give it some time. Continue taking care of Cinibun while she's outside as much as you can, and try to make the shelter as predator-proof as you can as well. Try printing off some of the reasearch you've done and showing it to your parents to back up your claims of rabbits being awesome pets. After that, let us know how it goes! And all the luck to you :)
Its hard being 13! haha

Why not house and shelter it and try to convince your folks for a while, and if not, keep it safe until you can call a shelter or RSPCA to come and collect the poor bunny and take it to a safe place!
If you don't mind me asking, where in Ontario are you?
If you can't keep it, I'm sure there are a few rescues around you can take him to, or, if your parents aren't up for that, I'd call the SPCA as soon as you can for them to pick the little guy up.

I hope you can keep him, though!
Do you have photos of the rabbit? If s/he is a mini-rex or a mini-rex cross, s/he will have a lot of trouble with the weather, they're too small to hold their body heat.

A larger rabbit will be okay with a lot of hay and straw in a really good wind and rain proof shelter.

I'd start by trying to litter train the bunny, which may be very easy. Just put a litter box in a dark corner with some of the rabbit's poop and pee. Or if there is a particular spot s/he's already picked, put a litter box there. I use pine stall pellets.

I think this forum can really help by providing examples of how easy it is to house a rabbit (look in the 'Cages and Construction' section) as well as stories about how wonderful bunnies are. You can ask for notes, photos and videos or you can collect them from the forum and print them out.

Most people don't know that rabbits are intelligent, clean, disease free, inexpensive to feed and house and very very entertaining.

Good luck!

sas :clover:
Thanks for everyones help, my dad was up to the cottage a few days ago and he said that he saw Cinibun walking around near where the feeder and shelter were : ) I have tried some more to convince them but they keep changing the topic whenever I ask :(
Hi everyone thanks for all of your advice but I don't think that i'm goning to be able to keep cinibun, I am soo sad about it too :( :( anyway sine the cool nights are fast approaching does anyone have any good ideas to help keep the shelter I built warmer. I was thinking about putting in lots and lots of hay as well as putting another layer of grass and leaves on the outside. If anyone has anymore suggestions that would be an awsome! (I'm thinking about putting up a blog to update on what is happening )
I think you should get her to a shelter. She may not make the winter. That would be the reponsible thing to do. ;)

If you can't get her to a shelter then call around and see if someone can pick her up for you.
Cinibun is probably smart enough to dig a den which will be warm and cozy. It's the caged outdoor rabbits that get killed by heat or cold. Underground tunnels have very good even temperature and never freeze.

Be sure the hay won't get wet.
Cinibun is a lucky little bunny to have you to look out for him/her

It's cruel how people can do such a thing by letting their bunnies go free like that,,and the poor bunnies have totry to defend for themselves...that's sad.
cheryl wrote:
Cinibun is a lucky little bunny to have you to look out for him/her

It's cruel how people can do such a thing by letting their bunnies go free like that,,and the poor bunnies have totry to defend for themselves...that's sad.
:yeahthat: Pipp, it's very sweet how you refer to Cinibun as s/he. The buns can touch our lives so deeply with their affection, and we become responsible caretakers and nuturers -- better humans -- by opening our hearts to a companion rabbit who was abandoned or rejected. ~ I hope your parents may one day fall in love, too, doggie0506.

Praises (hug) for asking what's best for him or her, your Cinibun. :hearts
thankyou everone for all of yuor comments thay weere very helpful, here are some pictures:

This is me with Cinibun.

This is Cinibun adn the rabbit that we dont know what happend to it

You really do need to call a shelter and try to get him/her picked up! S/he is not designed to fend for her/hisself! Also, if Cinibun is safe in a shelter, and someday your parents change their minds, you will be able to adop Cinibun!
:D:biggrin2::bunnydance: I can probably keep Cinibun!!!! (s/he would have to stay in a hutch though :( but that's better than nothing) we plan to build cinibun a fairly big hutch with a fenced in area so s/he can run around in a large x-pen type thing. The next thing is capturing cinibun this weekend, so if anybody has any tips that would be very very helpful. :D :D
I was going to suggest a rescue or shelter that had space, without euth'ing Cinibun.

Sounds like you'll do your research and take good care of her for the next 12+ years, or your parents can lend you a hand too!

A family endeavor! :hug2:

Inside is always best, because you get to know your companion pet around the clock and there's a lot of comfort and happiness in talking to your furry best friend/s at 12 midnight just because you want to. A 4-legged soulmate who quietly listens or climbs on you when you rest on the floor.
There's Canada climate, parasites, predators, big, small, and nasty things that want to kill rabbits (including humans).
- She came from a background where the human didn't give a d*mn. I'm glad you are receptive to turning her life around.

Please capture her as fast as possible and get her checked by a rabbit-savvy vet.
I hope she isn't pregnant from the other intact boys that might have been with her. :shock: Gulp. :shock: Let's not go there yet... Most people who ditch rabbits don't get them to a vet nor do they sp/euter.

God speed in getting her to safety, and vet-examined. :hug:

Um, if your parents want to pose for a photo with Cinibun, TreasuredFriend in WI would love to see them too. :wave: Would your dad construct a sturdy safe hutch in a secure area, where you live all the time? Or would Cinibun be left alone at the cottage?


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