A Sad Day. Skittles is gone!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2005
Reaction score
, North Carolina, USA
we're so sad...our parakeet Skittles that we've had for 7yrs is lost.. he got outside and flew into the woods... he cant fly very good.. we're just hoping something doesnt get him:(his cage is outside where it always hangs..door is open if he ever comes back.


we miss you buddy!
we can whistlefrom the back porch where his cage is and he whistles back...we just cant see him in the trees because he's the same color as the leaves... he answers almost everytime we whistle to him... at least now we knowhe's still around here.. im hoping he'll get hungry enough and fly down to his cage.. its hanging right where he can see it

this happened once before when he was a baby..a friend of ours who was visiting walked outside with him on her shoulder and he flew into the same tree hes in right now... that time we were able to find him in the tree.. we got a long branch and got him to jump on it.. if we could just find him in the tree this time that might work again... that was almost 5 yrs ago though. we were lucky to get him back last time...i just hope we get him back this time
Bless ya. It's good he is still there. Hopefully he will come ck when he is hungry. If he has a favourite food could you maybe walk around the area with it and see if he comes?

Thinking of you, and I hope for a safe return for Skittles.
Flashy wrote:
Hopefully he will come ck when he is hungry. If he has a favourite food could you maybe walk around the area with it and see if he comes?

Thinking of you, and I hope for a safe return for Skittles.
yeah we've tried that... his favorite food is potatoe chips...whenever he hears the bag he usually comes... but he hasnt come to it yet... right now there's some big buzzards circling the house that might be scaring him..he's still in the tree though we justcant see him...we're not giving up on him!
no..nothing... we cant hear him anymore so i dont think he's in the tree anymore... he absolutely hates the dark.. we're going to leave the light on next to his cage tonight just in case... but its not looking to good right now..we've been out all day looking for him and trying to get him back:(
LuvaBun wrote:
We owned two budgies that were found in peoples gardens. They are great escape artists!

Come home, Skittles!

how far were they from home?how far can they fly? i dont know how far he can go... after he flys around in the house awhile he gets really tired and cant fly for awhile..thats my biggest worry with him is that he'll get to tired to fly and something (like our cats) will get him:(
Oh no! :(

I hope Skittles comes home soon...
havent heard him whistle for awhile...was around 2 last time i heard him.. printed up a few posters to put around town incase anybody finds him.. also called our vet, and good friend, and told him incase anybody calls..
peapoo_bunny wrote:
LuvaBun wrote:
We owned two budgies that were found in peoples gardens. They are great escape artists!

Come home, Skittles!

how far were they from home?how far can they fly? i dont know how far he can go... after he flys around in the house awhile he gets really tired and cant fly for awhile..thats my biggest worry with him is that he'll get to tired to fly and something (like our cats) will get him:(
We never found out who the owners were (no-one replied to our posts about finding a budgie). When when of ours got out, he was found a day later about a mile away, in someone's ivy. I can't tell you how pleased we were to get hime back.

I will be keeping my fingers crossed that Skittles can find his way home

How well can he fly? Are his wings clipped? Do you live in town, where other people are likely to find him if you don't? I hope you get him back, I know that's really upsetting.
no his wings havent been clipped for 6yrs now...just for some reason he can only fly for short distances then he gets tired... we live in the country...the woods surround us..thats why its so hard to get him back... still no sign of him... i guess tomorrow we'll put the flyers up around town....:(

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