2nd Breeding-what's the longest u can wait

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Feb 14, 2016
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whats the latest you can re breed a doe without risking a second litter??
I'm thinking of rebreeding her bc her previous pregnancy she would hop around the cage with hay in her mouth every time I fed her, as tho her nesting instincts are telling her to make a nest (albeit way too soon) but she was unsure how. But this time it's a week since I bred her and no nesting behaviour with the hay like before. I just don't wanna end up with 2 litters at different stages, I heard the 2nd one usually doesn't live. Ok, thx for any help!!

as far as I know that thing with two litters is a myth, doesn't happen that way. It is true that there can be differently developed kits/fetuses in one litter, but that has other reasons like tumors.

That she was confused as a first timer and didn't know when it's time to built the nest and started too early is no indication if she is pregnant now, normally (at least with my experienced does) the nest building frenzy starts a few days/hours before she's due.
Early nestbuilding is sometimes a sign for a false pregnancy.

Imho only way to tell if she is pregnant is by palpating, but I'm not good at it and even after 2 weeks I can't tell for sure.
Unless you know how to palpate - or have a breeder friend who does - it's best not to try it. Palpating at 2 weeks can tell you if she is pregnant or not; otherwise, you just wait her out.

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