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  1. R

    Grooming a rabbit

    I give my bunny a bath at least oncea week. ^_^ That is, if it's not too cold. :) The vet taught me how to bathe a bunny and told me that I should bathe my precious bun at least twice a week. But I only give her baths on Sundays. :) After all... she hates baths. She scratched me...
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    Petster Accounts

    Guys, my bun's kinda new in petster, may I please add you guys in her petster account? :3 Oh yeah... this is her email: [email protected] :)
  3. R

    Quick molting

    You can brushyour bunas often as you can to help hermoltand manually pull the shedded fur. Remember that molting time for rabbits is also a critical stage. You really need tohelp your rabbit shed its fur anyway. :) a molting rabbit...
  4. R

    I don't know what breed my rabbit is...

    As a matter of fact... she does have shiny/glossy fur.
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    I don't know what breed my rabbit is...

    Wow... is it really an American Sable Breed? :shock: Then my bunny is somewhat rare.... o.O
  6. R

    found my bunny dead!

    I'm very sorry for your loss. I think the cause were the pellets. If pellets are left in a damp area for a long time, fungusaccumulates because of the moist. At least that's what my vet told me.
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    I don't know what breed my rabbit is...

    Yes, her eyes do have a red glow at some angles. She's turning8 months tomorrow. I couldn't weight her, though, she's very aggressive.
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    I don't know what breed my rabbit is...

    I'm not sure of her weight... I think she almost weighed 2 pounds last October.
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    I don't know what breed my rabbit is...

    Here's one... ^_^
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    I don't know what breed my rabbit is...

    Hi. This is Freya Banizilla. Can anyone please tell me or identify her breed?
  11. R

    Cooling Bunnies

    oh... thank you very much.... :)
  12. R

    Hello, I'm new :3

    Thank you ver much everyone! @Cheryl13 >> Yes, I do hope that I can upload her pics very soon. @KatyG >> lol. Yeah... the name's really cute. XD... Banizilla. lol. @Bunman >>Waw!! There's the info I was looking for! I'mreally worried about my bun and the heat. Thank you...
  13. R

    How Much Social Time Does a Bun Need?

    Umm.... guys... what if I only have one bunny? The vet said she'd be ok... =(
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    Cooling Bunnies

    Summer's coming up. Me and Banizilla already feel the humidity.=P I was wondering what I could do to cool my bunny off. Shemight have a heatstroke or something and I don't want that.XP
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    Suggestions welcomed

    Oh my... I'm so sorry for your loss... the poor thing... I'll pray for him. :(
  16. R

    My Benjamin is not doing well, and I don't know why

    Why don't you give him dark green leafy veggiestoo. I read that they help build up the good bacterias in theirstomach... and lots of hay too, to aid their digestion.Nottoo much veggies, though... hehe... Don't change the diet too often, it will cause more upsets. =)
  17. R

    What breeds do some of you have ?

    I have a normal bunny. Sadly, i don't know if she has a breed or not. A suitorbought her for me. :(
  18. R

    Hello, I'm new :3

    Hi and hello to all. I'mRinoa from the Philippines. I have a black fuzzy little bunny that Ilove to care for so much. Her name is Freya Banizilla :) . I don't haveany pics uploaded yet ehehe... *sweatdrop* Banizilla is 6 months oldand she lost two partners already *cry*. It's really sad... so...