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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. P

    Anyone feed Purina Fiber 3?

    So I currently feed Pfau's rabbit pellets. I have all Hollands and I'm looking to give them a little lower protein food. Someone recommended Fiber 3 to me, they have been mixing it with their other feed to lower the protein and add more fiber. I'm just wondering if anyone has any experience...
  2. P

    Getting Rid of Knots??

    Scissors, a slicker brush, a lot of patience. Why was she with other rabbits in the pet store? Licking does not lead to matting, the pet store individual was feeding you a line of crap. Matts come from neglect, That individual should be ashamed for allowing this animal to get to that...
  3. P

    Bonanza Rabbit Diet

    First of all, adorable rabbit. I love hollands, I've owned them forever. Secondly, pet stores and grocery stores are often scary places to buy rabbit food. Stock doesnt circulate well, and MOLD IS REALLY cOMMON! :shock: Also, the bonanza feed isn't very good. If you can manage, try to find a...
  4. P


    It's possible your rabbit is a little stressed. During times of stress its really best just to let your rabbit be alone and settle in.
  5. P

    unfit rabbit :(

    If you are up for it, you could try a hay diet for a few days. No Pellets, No treats unlimited hay and lots of water. You can't really force a rabbit to exercise, but out of cage play time is good. I wouldn't stick to that diet for more than 3 or 4 days. Then slowly introduce less pellets back...
  6. P

    Hi :)

    First of all, I don't recommend keeping any two rabbits in the same cage. It's not safe or healthy for either. Rabbits are solitary animals and really need no companionship, toys make great friends :). Second of all, if your doe (You are sure you have one doe and one buck, right?) is bred, you...
  7. P

    Good Pellets?

    I really really like Pfau's pellets. I have been breeding and raising rabbits for 10 years, and so far they are the best. I used to feed Purina, and switched to Show formula for awhile, but my rabbits were extremely unhealthy and their coat condition was terrible. I'm about to try a suggestion...
  8. P

    Will territorial pooping stop once they're bonded?

    I really don't agree with housing rabbits in the same cage. The best way to stop this behavior is separation. contrary to popular belief, rabbits are solitary animals, and require no companionship. Toys are a rabbits best friend. Housing together can lead to health problems and overall just...
  9. P

    do some rabbits just not have any trouble bonding?

    Just to clear something up, rabbits are very solitary animals. They really require no companionship. Toys are their favorite friends, though its common for rabbits to co-exist peacefully. I personally don't prefer this. It can lead to injury, weight problems, and a load of other things. For one...
  10. P

    What brands to feed?

    Just some advice, if you can avoid it, DON'T buy food from a pet store or grocery store. Products don't circulate often and can be loaded with mold! I do not recommend Oxbow AT ALL, I just did a lot of reading about it, and not only is it ridiculously expensive, it's also VERY low in protein. I...
  11. P

    unfit rabbit :(

    What kind of vegetables? I really consider vegetables more of a treat for my rabbits than anything. The most I give is a little spinach for some extra vitamin c, things like carrots could really be adding to your weight problem. What kind of food is your rabbit on? Also, some rabbits are...