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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. K

    New to the Forum - Meet Reggie!

    He does pee in his pan 90% of the time, sometimes he pees outside but it's usually by accident (he is in the pan when he pees but misses..). And he peed on my roommate's bed once... I can deal with the poops, I vacuum them up twice a day. He doesn't poop very much when he's outside his cage...
  2. K

    Extremely Mellow Rabbit....

    My 1 female was just a plain old, run-of-the-mill dwarf, the other was a lionhead, and this guy is a Rex. The dwarf was a nutbar, complete psycho lol. But I loved her, and the lionhead was really active but friendly and easy to handle. This guy's just all mellow lol
  3. K

    Extremely Mellow Rabbit....

    I got Reggie a few weeks ago, he's my first male rabbit. I've had 2 females before him. My females were always extremely active, hated being handled, jumped and thumped and ran around like nuts. Reggie is the complete opposite. He's extremely easy to handle; you can pick him up with 1 hand...
  4. K

    New to the Forum - Meet Reggie!

    This is my first time being a part of the rabbit forum. My name is Kylie, I'm 22 years old and I have always loved animals. I have a 2-year-old female Labrador mix named Harbour, and 2-year-old male rat named Smokie. I just a 4-year-old Rex buck named Reggie a couple of weeks ago; he is a...