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  1. bigtab


    I took an unplanned nap and left my buns outside too long… I think one of them is dehydrated because she won’t move much & she won’t eat or drink at all. She won’t even eat treats she used to go crazy for :( I’m currently feeding her a mixture of pellets and water through a syringe. What else...
  2. bigtab

    Cage for first ever rabbit! Tips, suggestions?

    My cat quickly became friends with my bunnies 😁
  3. bigtab


    Yes, this has been a fear of mine for sure because they will squirm so much some times. I’ll definitely switch to the carrier 😁
  4. bigtab


    I pick them up to move them outside for exercise.
  5. bigtab


    My rabbit thumps her back foot when I put her down, is she telling me she doesn’t want me picking her up? I don’t think my rabbits like me very much 😅😩
  6. bigtab

    Luna y Estrella

    These are my two sister buns. They are 3 months old. Their names mean “Moon and Stars” which is very fitting as Luna is darker in color compared to Estrella.
  7. bigtab

    Post Your Cute Bunny Bonding Moments Here

    The first picture is them eating together and the second is them sharing a carrot even though there’s another one next to them 😂💕
  8. bigtab

    Baby rabbit with excess cecotropes

    From my understanding, baby rabbits should have unlimited pellets and hay. Oats are only a treat and don’t need to be given regularly. I’m not a very experienced rabbit mama so that’s all the advice I have. I hope someone else can give more insight 😊
  9. bigtab

    2022 Indoor Cages...add your photo!

    My upgraded (but still temporary) set-up 🥰
  10. bigtab

    Indoor set-up

    It is what it is 🤷🏼‍♀️
  11. bigtab

    Indoor set-up

    They are only about 10-11 weeks old so I don’t need to separate them yet 😬
  12. bigtab

    Indoor set-up

    Should I make the cage a litter box?
  13. bigtab

    Indoor set-up

    I went against all advice and got a second rabbit. They’re doing good so far and this is my hopefully improved indoor set-up for them. Is this a good temporary set-up for them? Suggestions on improving it?
  14. bigtab

    Should I get another bunny?

    I do not believe there are any rescues local to me unfortunately.
  15. bigtab

    Should I get another bunny?

    My bunny is living inside and only goes outside for exercise during the day. By the time it gets cold, I will have a large area set up in the house for her. My main question was about if I should purchase her sister to give her a friend.