Rabbit not eating and pooping

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Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2019
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United States
Hello everyone, my rabbit has not been eating since last night or pooping . It is now going to be afternoon since she hasn’t ate by herself or pooped. I took her to the vet this morning. All they recommended I do is give her papaya I guess it’s good for the digestive system. But other than that I have been trying everything I’ve been force-feeding critical care and giving her water. I’ve been giving her belly massages, gave her some simethicone gas drops every hour and metacam :( notching is working…. I also tried the papaya what the vet had recommended but nothing yet.

What else can I do :(?

Thank you in advance
You weren't given a gut stimulant? It can sometimes take several days for a rabbit to get back to normal. You just have to keep up with the pain med, usually a gut stimulant, and the regular syringe and water feeds. But if your rabbit isn't showing any improvement in the next day or your rabbits condition is deteriorating, you may need to get your rabbit seen for further tests to determine if there is something more than stomach upset going on.


Just FYI, papaya doesn't really do anything, which makes me wonder if the vet is all that knowledgeable about rabbits. You may need to find a more knowledgeable rabbit vet if your rabbit needs to be seen again.

You weren't given a gut stimulant? It can sometimes take several days for a rabbit to get back to normal. You just have to keep up with the pain med, usually a gut stimulant, and the regular syringe and water feeds. But if your rabbit isn't showing any improvement in the next day or your rabbits condition is deteriorating, you may need to get your rabbit seen for further tests to determine if there is something more than stomach upset going on.


Just FYI, papaya doesn't really do anything, which makes me wonder if the vet is all that knowledgeable about rabbits. You may need to find a more knowledgeable rabbit vet if your rabbit needs to be seen again.

Hi, no I was not given no gut stimulant. They were going to prescribe me a some type of stool softener but changed their mind and said to try the papaya. This is the vet I went to previously for my other rabbits tilted head. He does not specialize in rabbits, even though they say they see rabbits when I called the first time I found this vet. What kind of gut stimulant could have been given? Is it something that I can get without going to the vet? Every time I call my vet for questions or for refills they never get to it right away. The ladies at the front desk are very rude. Always say they will call back but never do. If I do call back, they’ll be like “oh let me put in a request.” When they had a whole 24-48hrs to do so when I called early. I know I it can get busy I understand but to be rude and not care?? Anyways is there a way I can get this gut stimulation without getting it from my vet? :(

This is it the only vet in town with decent reviews.
I wouldn't trust reviews, but call the other vets and decide myself if I think they know about rabbits. Like, you could ask about the gut stimulant. This, and IV fluids are the most common reasons I go to my vet when what I can do doesn't quite cut it.

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