Bun’s 4am wake up call

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Nov 9, 2018
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My rabbit jumps everywhere he can reach. About a week ago he learned how to jump in my bed. He zooms in my bed and binkies. The problem is he does this at 4am. He’s a free roam bun since I got the top floor of our house. After going hyper in my bed he jumps down and zooms around the room.

Should I keep him away from my bedroom when I sleep? I dont want to lock him up during my sleep time because it seems to be his favorite time to go crazy.

Is there a way I could discourage him from my bed?
How old is he? He might grow out of it.

Personally, I'd be inclined to let a youngster play around unless it started affecting my school/work.

My buck claimed the area underneath my bed as his territory when I got him. He loves it down there, but never jumps onto my bed. I don't know why, though... my best guess is that we respect each other's territory and there's some rabbit-human treaty in his mind demarcating our respective lands or something. The bun mind is a curious thing.
How old is he? He might grow out of it.

Personally, I'd be inclined to let a youngster play around unless it started affecting my school/work.

Your bun sounds well behaved

He’s only 3mnths. The area he stays at depends at the time of the day.

When he plays in my bed its usually for about 5-15mins. Then he hops down. He doesn’t stay for cuddles which is fine by me. He does let me pet him but not for long because for him my bed is a place for fun.

Since he’s still young won’t he’s behavior worsen when he gets older?
The only ways to stop the behavior would be to restrict him from being able to get on the bed(I know of someone that surrounded her bed with a tall enough playpen so her rabbit couldn't get on her bed), keep him entertained during the day so he's too tired at night to be so active, or teach him that jumping on your bed at that time of the night/morning isn't going to get him any attention(no petting/cuddling) and isn't an option that is allowed at that time. Which might involve a few sleepless nights of immediately picking him up off the bed when he comes to play, and setting him down directly on the floor with very little interaction from you(you don't want him associating what you are doing as a reward for his behavior). Just make sure before bedtime that he has plenty of activities to keep him busy on the floor during the night(hay to eat, digging box, safe things to chew, etc), so he will see that as the preferred place to be.
Your bun sounds well behaved

He’s only 3mnths. The area he stays at depends at the time of the day.

When he plays in my bed its usually for about 5-15mins. Then he hops down. He doesn’t stay for cuddles which is fine by me. He does let me pet him but not for long because for him my bed is a place for fun.

Since he’s still young won’t he’s behavior worsen when he gets older?

He's digging up the litter box right now, so I wouldn't say well-behaved is the best way to put it :)

Rabbits tend to settle down as they get older: less zipping around, jumping on everything, binkying everywhere, etc. Kind of like how 8-year-old kids will run all over the place with endless energy, then sit in their rooms all day when they hit their teens (okay, a bit of a generalization, but we've all seen it). I wouldn't expect a 3-month-old to be representative of a rabbit's behavior for its whole life.

JBun had some good ideas. I've had limited success with training, and have found that simply blocking areas off is the only way to prevent my rabbits from going certain places I don't want them. That may be difficult with a bed, though. I'd still give her ideas a try (which may take some time).