I think this thread needs an update.
And of course, what would an update in Yofi's thread be without the latest scare that he's given me? It seems The Boy relishes making me worry, bite my nails, call a family member in a panic, all because he yet again developed something that has left the vets scratching their heads.
In December, during the Christmas break I went away for 5 days to visit family, and when I returned, all seemed quiet...not a creature was stirring in my house. Anna was her usual self, inquisitive but - in her older years - enjoying the pleasure of a deep, relaxing afternoon nap to that of romping about the house. Yofi too seemed somewhat quiet; when I got back home the first thing I did was go to see how the bunnies were doing, but I was taken aback a wee bit when I wasn't greeted at the bunny room door by my inquisitive, long-eared boy. He sat on the floor of the cage, snoozing soundly...and when I called his name one eye opened lazily, peering out from under a heavy lid, and then he slowly closed it again. He was ignoring me completely, despite the fact that I had been gone for almost a full week. I chalked it up to 'bunny-sulking'; something that Yofi has been known to do in the past. I'd go away and upon my return, would be greeted by an unmistakable rabbit snub. So I left him alone and got to work unpacking my things.
A couple of days later he still hadn't perked up. 'This really is one long sulk, even for Yofi' I thought, not clueing in to the possibility that something might actually be wrong with him. Yet he seemed fine otherwise; he was still eating, still pushing and shoving his way past Anna to get to the food first. But he wasn't 'right'. He was quiet, sitting in the cage and only coming out every so often, only to return a few moments later and go back to sleep again. I really should have picked up on the fact at that point that there was something wrong; Yofi was being...good.
Then, four days after my return home, I went to feed the rabbits that evening. Yofi heard the food bag rustling and - as usual - kept trying to shove his entire head into the bowl even before I had a chance to put the food in. I finally had to push his head out of the way, and was about to chastise him for being such a pain, when one of his big ears brushed against my hand.
Yofi's right ear was warm. No, it was
hot...burning up hot...and the ear itself was HUGE. It had swollen to roughly 3 or 4 times its regular thickness, most of the swelling contained to the upper outer flap, and less significant (but still alarming) swelling that ran right down to the tip of his ear.
I was in shock. I sat there for a couple of moments wondering how on earth I hadn't noticed this until that very moment; and then my mind began to race. He needed a vet, and if this was an infection, he needed a vet ASAP. Yet of course - as per rule #322 of the Frantic Pet Owner's Manual, it was a Sunday night. Late. All of the vet clinics were closed.
Thankfully though, a couple of months before this a new emergency clinic had its grand opening at my end of town. Prior to this there had been two emergency clinics, and both were far, far away from me, headed out toward the other end of the city (and Ottawa, if known for nothing else, is a sprawling metropolis). So I called my sister and we rushed Yofi to the new emergency clinic - about a 10 minute drive from my house.
Unfortunately the attending vet knew next to nothing about rabbits. My heart sort of sank in my chest, when, after she'd disappeared for about half an hour as I waited with my boy in the examining room, she finally reappeared and told me that she'd been on the internet, googling Yofi's symptoms in an effort to figure out what was wrong. Finally she managed to contact another vet via the old-fashioned method (telephone) and between the two of them, it was decided to put Yofi on Benadryl (lol...when in doubt, get the 'Dryl). I asked her to prescribe some Baytril for him as well since I was so fearful that this was an infection (those who know of Yofi's fight with a deadly skin infection some time ago would understand why my fears were justified), and with the Benedryl and Baytril in hand, we were sent home with the reassurance that the Benedryl had a good chance of bringing the swelling down within a few hours.
The next evening Yofi's ear looked even worse, so I called my regular vet clinic and managed to get him in to see one of his 'rabbit vets' the next day. A full assessment and bloodwork was done, and this time he was prescribed Metacam, a painkiller and - more importantly - an anti-inflammatory. With fingers crossed I took Yofi home once again, fearing the worst but hoping for the best. And I can't begin to tell you how happy I was the next morning...when I went into the rabbit room Yofi came run-tumbling to the door to greet me, then followed me out to the kitchen to make sure I was getting his breakfast ready. His ear, which I swear had looked like someone had inflated it using a bicycle pump, was somewhat smaller. Just a wee bit, but hey, it was at last headed in the right direction...deflation instead of inflation (and don't we wish our economy was like that too?

). From that point on Yofi began to recover. The redness finally began to fade, his ear lost its heaviness and swelling, and best of all, Yofi's personality came surging through again, full force. My Boy, once again, was back.
The vet said that we will probably never know what caused this...a spider bite? Possibly. An injury? There was no sign of any, not even the tiniest of scratches. He said that we would have to chalk it up to the possibiility that Yofi's immune system is extremely hypersensitive, and he may react wildly and unexpectedly to something that wouldn't bother any one (or, should I say, any'bun') else. lol...I did have a bit of a chuckle at one point during the last exam. Yofi's vet told me that in his quest to figure out what was causing this, he posted Yof's case - with photos - in an online forum that he attends, one populated by vets from all over the US and Canada. (hehe...who knew that vets were online nerds just like the rest of us?

) Anyway, he said that for a few days after he had posted this, he was getting all sorts of vets from all over the place going in and commenting, saying, 'Hey, how's Yofi doing? Is he any better?' Even in cyberspace, Yofi seems to make an impression.
So that's the tale of my boy's second brush with something odd and mysterious. Today he's feeling fine, the only sign that anything was ever wrong is a still somewhat-puffed upper ear...thickening that may or may not go away. I'll post a picture or two that I took when it was angry red and inflated, but try as I might, the pictures truly didn't capture just how bad it was. (And the pics were taken before the swelling had reached its peak.) His ear had become so large from the swelling that his head would literally hang down on that one side, it was so heavy. Poor boy simply couldn't hold it up.
And to think that I had initially believed Yofi was simply sulking, upset because I'd gone away...I guess my ego got a little over-inflated as well, just like his ear. (However, my dog Izzy definitely
was giving me the cold shoulder when I came back from my trip....he refused to even look at me...but that's another story....)