Worried about my daughter

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She has no access to any medication. We have a heat pump for heating and cooling so no carbon monoxide.
Also on a very serious note: I would questionthe school itself, since the most serious behaviour happens while she'sthere. There's definitely something going on...and I would bewilling to bet it happens while she's there at school. Shesounds like she's doing fairly well when she's home, and the moreserious behaviour happens only when she's at school.

I truly don't mean to panic you, but I also don't want to NOT saysomething and find out something is going on that could have beenstopped by my suggesting checking it out.

I would even go so far as to question the teacher if this is occurringat any particular time of the day, like after she's been around certainpeople (students or teachers) or in certain areas or after certainactivities. It could be a reaction to something in herenvironment that she's just not able to tell you about, for whateverreason. It's worth checking out the people (teachers,students, even older students, etc.) to see what kinds of people she'sbeen around before this occurs.

Since this behaviour doesn't happen when she's at home, I would morethan likely think it's a response to something in the environmentTHERE, not necessarily something neurological/health-related.Does that make sense?

Have you had her allergy-tested?

Those are just my thoughts...like I said, I don't mean to panic orworry you...but it does sound like something could be occurring thereat the school that she just isn't able to communicate sufficiently ormaybe at all...and it's worth mentioning, ya know?

My love and hugs and prayers for you both,


I've heard of " sick building" syndrome that iscaused by things like mold and fungus in the walls but it seems like itwould affect other children. Did the teacher think that your daughterlooked physically ill today or did she just think that she actedstrangely?
angieluv wrote:
I've heard of " sick building" syndrome that is caused bythings like mold and fungus in the walls but it seems like it wouldaffect other children. Did the teacher think that your daughter lookedphysically ill today or did she just think that she actedstrangely?

She just said that she was "strange".
angieluv wrote:
I've heard of " sick building" syndrome that is caused bythings like mold and fungus in the walls but it seems like it wouldaffect other children. Did the teacher think that your daughter lookedphysically ill today or did she just think that she actedstrangely?
That happened at my middle school when they put in new carpet. Theyusedformaldehydeinthe glue for the carpet and it gave me HORRIBLE headaches and made ithard to pay attention. I occasionally did get sick after school frombeing in the classrooms.

I'd still get her checked out for allergies and get a CT of her headand an MRI. If she is misbehaving, I still am thinking it's allergiesor something affecting the judgement part of her brain (like herfrontal lobe).Also check out the school for asbestos and anyphysical changes (and food in the cafeteria) since your daughter hasbeen feeling bad. After you address allergies and physicalabnormalities, I'd also check out the teacher and any other adult shecomes in direct contact with. If not adult, it could be from otherkids. However, I would ask your daughter if anything happens whileshe's at school. It might be something to ask about. I don't want toalarm you, but I had someone I knew in high school who was beingharassed emotionally and physically who acted 'strange' while she wasin school because she hated being there.

If there IS something she needs to talk about but can't/won't tell you, get her to someone she can talk to.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your daughter. :pray:
Has Olivia had her eyes checked lately? it probablyhas nothing to do with it but it was just a thought

binkies wrote:
She had her eyes checked two years ago. For pre-k physical.Thank you all for all they help.
Well if nothing else is helping, you might as well take her. People whodo have eye issues (such as myself) find that your eyes get worse andneed new glasses, etc every 2 years. I found I needed them last monthby increasingly bad headaches then they escalated to migraines. Then Ifinally went and got them. Migraines gone.

Also, I just had a thought. Have a doc check for lead poisoning.
It causes neurological issues suchas reducedIQ,nausea,abdominalpain,irritability,insomnia,excesslethargyorhyperactivity,headacheand, in extreme cases,seizureandcoma.There are also associated gastrointestinal problems, such asconstipation,diarrhea,abdominalpain,vomiting,poorappetite,weightloss.Other associated affects areanemia,kidney problems, and reproductive problems.. There is lead paint inolder schools, as well as asbestos. Lead poisoning is just athought, but it's worth a try.
The school called AGAIN. I am fed upwith worrying about her. I went to the school and sat down and talkedwith her teacher. She is worried to death as well. She has beenwatching her like a hawk and can tell me with 100% certainty thatnothing is going on there. There isn't any child/children botheringher. No picking on her teasing her. No different air freshners,perfums, foods.

She said that she can tell when something is getting ready to happenwith her. She shuts down. Talks slowly, and quietly, walks in slowmotion. She will be fine and playing or doing her work and then it hitsher.

Olivia must think we are both pretty strange ourselves. We are alwayslooking at her, listening to every word, asking stupid questions tomake sure she can answer correctly. When she is normal, she looks at uslike "what in the **** is wrong with you people!" "mrshibbits, why are you always staring at me?"

Anyway......I have called a new dr. I am not going to let her regulardr push us away as nothing is wrong with her. With this happening everysingle day, a month is far too long to wait. We go see him at1:15 today.
It may take awhile to find out exactly what iswrong but hopefully the new doctor will be more helpful to you. We canall guess at what it could be but I think they will need to see her anddo tests to diagnose her. I know you will keep us posted. Good Lucktoday :grouphug
Not very much happened at the dr today. I triedquite hard to convince him of the severity. He looked in her nose andsaid that she is congested. He is treating her for a sinus infectionhoping that will take care of the headaches.

In the meantime, we and the school are to keep a log of what she isdoing when her episodes come about. And also of what she has eaten. Hesays it is very hard to say what is going on with her since it wasntsomething you can see. He says if they get worse, to come inimmediately.

I signed papers to have both children's records transferred to him from the old dr.
Prayers for you and your daughter. Ifyou aee a neurologist, you may want to ask about childhoodepilepsy. It takes many forms other than grand mal seizuresand can be difficult to diagnose in children.
Wow. The notebook I sent to her teacher for herrecords is interesting! It is snowing pretty hard here, so I amguessing no school tomorrow. That is good, I will be able towatch her at the times she is normally not doing well.

9am: Olivia has wondered around the classroom. Layed on her desk all morning. It's almost impossible to get her to work.

9:15 Olivia is complaining that she's too tired to work.

9:30 Olivia says that her head is hurting and that she needs some Tylenol. Off to the nurse.

9:30 (from nurse) Headache is on right side, given tylenol and is resting.

10:15 Olivia says the she feels like she is going to throw up. Didnteat a lot of breakfast. She has worked since coming back from the nurse.

12:15 Olivia complained that her throat felt like it was burning.

12:20 burning went away

1:50 Olivia just had snack and says she feels like she is going to throw up. No headache

1:55 back to the nurse. normal temp. throat isnt red. Drank some water went back to room at 2:15

Wow..that is interesting...if she doesn't go toschool tomorrow you may find out that she is fine at home. If that istrue it has something to do with her emotions related to school orsomething within the school itself that is affecting her.
Wow, I could not imagine what you must be going through and I really hope that you find out soon.

A couple of things pop up for me, my best friend has migraines andunfortunatly she has passed them down to her 6 year old daughter andTylenol is able to take care of most of the pain for her rightnow. Does anyone in your or the fathers family have a historyof migraines? And a different friend, when her daughter wasyoung, she had epilesy but instead of shaking, she would get that looklike when you are daydreaming (looking off into a far off land) and theiris's of her eyes would go back and forth just a little bit.They were able to control it with some pills and she ended up growingout of it and she is fine now. Not sure if thesesuggestions will help but I figured that more possible info is betterthan not enough.

I would not stop talking to doctors about this, check with yourinsurance and see if you are able to see a specialist with noreferral. Let the doctors know that this is not normal at allfor her and you are not the only one who is concerned about this (herteacher too). Have you tried to keep out of school for acouple of days and see if she is the same at home as she is atschool?

I hope that you find a doctor who will listen to you and take yourconcerns seriously. I did a quick google onchildrens hospitals and it looks like you are right in the middle ofone in Lexington, Kentucky and one in Richmond. Not sure ifthat helps, but like before, I figure the more info the better.

She has been home for 2 days now. No problems. Iam thinking hard and watching her hard and taking in everything that Ihave been told.

Narrowed it down (in my head of course). Either allergies to the dustin the air at school or her eyes (as mentioned). The schools dont cleanthe air filters as often as it should be done, and of course as othershave said bad eyes can make you hurt.

She doesnt act like that at home or my mom's. Her teacher says she cantget her to do her work and Liv says it hurts after she does work.Sooooo, so far it is getting a lot less worrysome and a bit more simple.

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