wheelchair for bunny

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Dec 17, 2005
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I have a rabbit with paralyzed back legs. We went to a vet who prescribed steroids for 10 days, but that did not help. He is eating fine, but not mobile. I thought a small wheelchair would help him move around the apartment. I searched the web for animal wheelchairs, but none specific for rabbits. I made a simple one based on dog wheelchair (see below). This design is not working as rabbits mostly use their back legs to move forward. I was hoping someone on here has experiences or ideas. TIA.


You could try these websites, too.


This website has more sources for carts as well as articles about caring for disabled rabbits.http://homepage.mac.com/mattocks/morfz/rabrefs.html#dis

It's really nice to see someone go to this much effort to care for a disabled rabbit. It seems like many people (and sometimes vets) assume that a rabbit can't be happy if it can't use it's hind legs. But from the articles I've read, they can adjust pretty well. Once they get used to the carts, they're back to chewing and terrorizing everything.
Thanks for the links. I lowered the cart a little, and then he walked a little.That was quite exciting.I will wait for a while for him to get used to the cart. He is 8 years old and have some other health issue, but I hope he can enjoy running again.
Aw what a sweetheart you are. Many people think that if their animal like buns and piggies are no use. Bless your heart for trying to do for you rabbit and giving your bun another chance. What a beautiful bun and good luck. Let us know how things go.
awww what a sweetheart he is! You are so admirable for making him a chair so that he can have a better sense of normalcy. to hear he walked a little is wonderful :D please keep us updated on his progress.
I am SO sorry to hear of Wiggly's disability, but it sounds like with a parent like you that will not be for long. My hat is off to you for being so creative and loving as to come up with your own design. I wish I had some help to give as to what to do..

The only issue I would be concerned of, is going to the bathroom. I would just make sure the wheel chair isn't keeping any urine close to Wiggly's skin (but I'm sure you've thought of that already)

Good luck with your design and I wish all the best for you and Wiggly!
Oh, what a good Bunny Mom you are. It's great that Wiggly has taken his first steps. I guess he has to get used to walking in a totally different way. I wish you both the very best of luck. Please let us know how things progress.

Thanks for encouragements. I really needed it since I have never been in this type of situation. As to his bathroom issue, he has lost his litter habit a long ago and he needs some help going to pee. He may be in a better situation by sitting in the cart and off the ground. My vet thinks that he suffered from some kind of neuronal damage that caused loss of his bladder control. It's inevitable and sad that this damage is slowly progressing and now to his hind legs. I hope to make him life a little easier with this wheelchair though.
Awww He sounds like a sweetheart. My heart goes out to handicapped pets. Bless your heart for giving him a life he deserves. We all are here for you.
:tears2: What Devotion and Love.

Wiggly is one of your Heart Bunnies. You have gone 100 extra miles for this little one, and he sure is determined to do his part in getting it right.

It's a Pleasure to meet you, Wiggly. :sunshine:

You are most certainly a Legend in Your Own Time. Keep up the good work!



P.S. He's absolutely gorgeous. :inlove:
wiggly wrote:
Thanks for encouragements. I really needed it since I have never been in this type of situation. As to his bathroom issue, he has lost his litter habit a long ago and he needs some help going topee. He may be in a better situation by sitting in the cart and off the ground. My vet thinks that he suffered from some kind of neuronal damage that caused loss of his bladder control. It's inevitable and sad that this damage is slowly progressing and now to his hind legs. I hope to make him life a little easier with this wheelchair though.

Has the vet considered any treatments for E. cuniculi?

More info on causes of hindquarter weakness/paralysis


What a handsome little man Wiggly is! He is lucky to have someone like you to help him get over his disability. It is so wonderful that you are willing to do so much for him.
Like everyone else who has replied, my heart is also touched by what lengths you have gone for your rabbit.What a great thread to read.


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