I get HUGE bunches of veggies from the organic grocery store, although I'm offen digging through their bins out back to get it myself. (My rabbits have turned me into a bag lady!)
I have one bunny who gets a bad reaction from cilantro, another one from black kale, and another one who hates curly parsley... and they all hate mint, basil, etc... (and I just discovered the new girls will eat radishes)...
But generally speaking, the favorites here are:
Carrot tops (#1 all around, and easy to get for free! obviously)
Italian parsley (the flat leaf kind). The curly parsley is okay, too, but isn't as popularhere (and it's higher in calcium, not good for my sludge bunny)
Bok Choy (good all round green -- low calcium, high nutrients, comes in a big, hard leaf, easy to wash/prepare, it's hard and good for teeth, it lasts more than a day in the fridge and they love it).
Broccoli and Cauliflower (apparently it gives some bunnies gas, but that seems pretty rare, I really don't think anymore than any other veggie).
Chard (green or rainbow, the red doesn't go over all that well -- again, similar properties to the bok choy).
Dill - they all love it, but it's pricey, unless you have friends with dill bushes, and it goes bad fast.
Fennel - the bunnies love it -- theleafy parts -- and I love that they love it, seeing as there's nothing sweeter than bunny kisses with fennel breath! (Smells like liquorish!) Even pricier than dill, but easier to score from a grocer, seeing as they throw away the tops.
Kale -- a major favourite, but there can be too much of a good thing, it has high levels of potassium and calcium, so not more than three days in a row, and then a few days off.
Carrots - high in sugar, so small amounts, but a non-green staple.
Aruglia - they love this stuff -- but so do I, so we fight over it. It's a great day when there's a bunch or three in the bin, and I don't have to share mine.
Lettuces -- green, red, romaine -- they're not wild about the stuff, but it's good filler, especially on heavy kale and collardsdays. I flush out their salads with it every day.
Brussels sprouts - they think they're okay. More popular than cabbage. (Both belong to the same family as broccoli and cauliflower, so start slow in gas they cause gas).
Beet greens - some like'em, some hate 'em. Another one easy to get free from grocers, around here, anyway.
Raddiccio - very expensive! but in my quest to provide a daily non-green, we've been known to break the bank. Greatto find inthe bin. Everybody eats it, tho nobunny really loves it.
Collard greens -- a dream to wash and serve, it has huge, easy to handle, hard leaves, and it keeps for a long time. But even higher in calcium (andphosphorus?)than kale,and it's not that popular here, but they'll eat it.
Nobunny here likes spinach all that much, nor mustard greens (good thing, REALLY high in calcium). And as noted, they positively recoil from basil and mint.
Cilantro goes over with most of mine -- some love it, most think it's just okay, but one (maybe two) gets a bad case of gas from the stuff.
I think that covers it...