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Haru the Lionhead

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
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Middle east
Guys yesterday I took my 4 months old bunny to the vet and he gave her a scabies vacation is that normal?
He said that I should bring her to the vet to take it every 6 months
When i got home my friend told me that bunnies don’t get vaccinated, and now I don’t know what to believe or what to do
+ today her blood vessels in the white part of her eye is red only in one eye, is it because of the vaccination or should I get worried? her eyes are okay and not swollen or anything.
Guys yesterday I took my 4 months old bunny to the vet and he gave her a scabies vacation is that normal?
He said that I should bring her to the vet to take it every 6 months
When i got home my friend told me that bunnies don’t get vaccinated, and now I don’t know what to believe or what to do
+ today her blood vessels in the white part of her eye is red only in one eye, is it because of the vaccination or should I get worried? her eyes are okay and not swollen or anything.
Update!! The other eye is not red but ther is discharge! What should I do
That’s for dogs and bunnies shouldn’t get that. The vaccination for bunnies are called different. They are vaccinations that are for virus myoxomatois, RVHD 1 and 2. Vaccination for bunnied is called filivac, nobivac or myox-RHD plus.

I hope truly your bunny will be okay, don’t go to the same vet. She might have gotten side-effects and might need vet care because of the wrong treatment to your bunny.
That’s for dogs and bunnies shouldn’t get that. The vaccination for bunnies are called different. They are vaccinations that are for virus myoxomatois, RVHD 1 and 2. Vaccination for bunnied is called filivac, nobivac or myox-RHD plus.

I hope truly your bunny will be okay, don’t go to the same vet. She might have gotten side-effects and might need vet care because of the wrong treatment to your bunny.
I don’t know what to do her eyes are not good and she is resting alot but at the same time she runs around, plays, and binkies. And I heard that sick bunnies doesn’t binky is that right?
I don’t know what to do her eyes are not good and she is resting alot but at the same time she runs around, plays, and binkies. And I heard that sick bunnies doesn’t binky is that right?

I had a girl that passed away, she stilled binky and ate normal. But the vet was suprised over the behavior my girl had because she should of been in pain. Depending on how serve pain they can still act normal, so even though with pain they can act normal but bad pain you will see difference in behavior. The only difference for mine was sleeping hidden which she never did.

Take a picture of the eyes, and we can better see. Maybe your bunny got something in the eye. You can wash the eye with a saline solution/ eye wash.
I had a girl that passed away, she stilled binky and ate normal. But the vet was suprised over the behavior my girl had because she should of been in pain. Depending on how serve pain they can still act normal, so even though with pain they can act normal but bad pain you will see difference in behavior. The only difference for mine was sleeping hidden which she never did.

Take a picture of the eyes, and we can better see. Maybe your bunny got something in the eye. You can wash the eye with a saline solution/ eye wash.
Is your bunny still having problem with sneezing and white discharge from nose. It can be a connecntion between them. Use eye wash which are saline solution and you can clean away the junk in the eye.

How dusty is the hay?
She is sneezing less and the discharge in her nose im not even sure if it is because since the day i got her there was a white dot beside her nostril and its still the same so no more discharge
And about the hay im trying my best to sift it. Before, she had bangs and i only could see one eye, every time i feed she looks at the food so i can see the white part of her eye. Now we cut the bangs and im observing her eyes to see if there is any thing and i saw that when she looks at the food i can see her white part only on the red eye (the one i saw before) but I can’t see it in the eye with the mucus. Does that mean that she can’t see with it?or is it not moving?or is her eye bigger than the other one?because someone said sick rabbits eyes can be different size
She is sneezing less and the discharge in her nose im not even sure if it is because since the day i got her there was a white dot beside her nostril and its still the same so no more discharge
And about the hay im trying my best to sift it. Before, she had bangs and i only could see one eye, every time i feed she looks at the food so i can see the white part of her eye. Now we cut the bangs and im observing her eyes to see if there is any thing and i saw that when she looks at the food i can see her white part only on the red eye (the one i saw before) but I can’t see it in the eye with the mucus. Does that mean that she can’t see with it?or is it not moving?or is her eye bigger than the other one?because someone said sick rabbits eyes can be different size

It’s a bit hard seeing the eyes, the white in the eye I’ve gotten from dust but it can also be trouble with the eyes. For example a molar (back teeth) growing wrong which can put pressure on the eye and cause wet discharge. But she’s eating normally so I would rule it out. But it can be many things, myself once had clogged tearducts on one of my boys.

But try to wash it away, just to rule out that it’s not caused by dust. If she get it back again I would do more check up. The eye doesn’t seem to be wet around or having discharges except the extra white.
It’s a bit hard seeing the eyes, the white in the eye I’ve gotten from dust but it can also be trouble with the eyes. For example a molar (back teeth) growing wrong which can put pressure on the eye and cause wet discharge. But she’s eating normally so I would rule it out. But it can be many things, myself once had clogged tearducts on one of my boys.

But try to wash it away, just to rule out that it’s not caused by dust. If she get it back again I would do more check up. The eye doesn’t seem to be wet around or having discharges except the extra white.
How do i wash it?do i put the sailine inside her eye? wouldn't that hurt her?
You can put the saline solution in her eyes. It is just contact solution so it will not hurt her. I use it to clean my dog's eyes out because her eyes get really gunky. You can wrap her up in a towel so she doesn't squirm and squirt it in her eyes.
Sailine solution (eye wash) have the same pH and as the body and is equilibrium with the cells around so it won’t hurt. It’s the same salt level as normal tears. But it can be a bit scary and uncomfortable. When it get to corner of the eye and still not going out, you can wash your hands and use a damp cloth at the corner of the eye to get it out. You aren’t putting the cloth in the eye, only in the corner where it will run out.

It’s a bit when you do it on yourself but do it on the bunnies. Myself have done it a few times because of my bad hay fever allergy, my eyes take a toll, so I know the feeling of washing the eyes with saline solution 😅
Sailine solution (eye wash) have the same pH and as the body and is equilibrium with the cells around so it won’t hurt. It’s the same salt level as normal tears. But it can be a bit scary and uncomfortable. When it get to corner of the eye and still not going out, you can wash your hands and use a damp cloth at the corner of the eye to get it out. You aren’t putting the cloth in the eye, only in the corner where it will run out.

It’s a bit when you do it on yourself but do it on the bunnies. Myself have done it a few times because of my bad hay fever allergy, my eyes take a toll, so I know the feeling of washing the eyes with saline solution 😅
I tried my best and she wouldn’t stop moving but even after, its still there 😭
I tried my best and she wouldn’t stop moving but even after, its still there 😭

Some bunnies struggles, specially when not used to be handled. One of my boys struggles like a warrior the first month while cleaning his ears. While my previous girl struggled when to get eye drops. It helps using the bunny burrito and distract with a long thin treat. The bunny burrito will restrain while treats will keep them focus on the food instead. Which can make it easier to handle your bunny 😊

But do the white stuff in the eye move around?

Maybe it’s not a mucus layer which I thought it was and look like.
Some bunnies struggles, specially when not used to be handled. One of my boys struggles like a warrior the first month while cleaning his ears. While my previous girl struggled when to get eye drops. It helps using the bunny burrito and distract with a long thin treat. The bunny burrito will restrain while treats will keep them focus on the food instead. Which can make it easier to handle your bunny 😊

But do the white stuff in the eye move around?

Maybe it’s not a mucus layer which I thought it was and look like.
I don’t know if it moved or not, every time I get close to her to take a look she runs away. But it is a m mucus I’m sure, i
could it from the side
I don’t know if it moved or not, every time I get close to her to take a look she runs away. But it is a m mucus I’m sure, i
could it from the side

Oki, then you should be able to wash away, but she might get it away on her own when she sleeps. But if it don’t disappears, try to clean it out. If you keep getting the same trouble. Try to find a vet that knows a little bit of rabbits. Don’t go to the vet that gave scabies vaccination.
DO NOT use contact solution in a rabbits eye! A plain saline ophthalmic lubrication like natural tears, can be used. But plain saline and contact solution are two completely different things.

@Tatahas , do you know or can you find out what the exact medication was that was given; and was it injected, applied topically, or given orally? And if you can, find out the exact amount given(mg per ml, and the total amount administered in ml/cc's) and the weight of your rabbit? Depending on what the medication was, it may not be harmful and the eye discharge you are seeing could be unrelated and may just be minor irritation that will clear up.
DO NOT use contact solution in a rabbits eye! A plain saline ophthalmic lubrication like natural tears, can be used. But plain saline and contact solution are two completely different things.

@Tatahas , do you know or can you find out what the exact medication was that was given; and was it injected, applied topically, or given orally? And if you can, find out the exact amount given(mg per ml, and the total amount administered in ml/cc's) and the weight of your rabbit? Depending on what the medication was, it may not be harmful and the eye discharge you are seeing could be unrelated and may just be minor irritation that will clear up.
Yes it was homemade saline, the mucus was gone and even the redness.
Doramectin injection(0.2 mg/kg) is the medication and they say that they will give her another shot after two weeks.
she is 4 months old 1.24kg
Update.. vet said she has respiratory infection and gave her antibiotic and antihistamine shots and said that he would give her another shot after two days and that’s it. Is that normal? because i heard that others take it for two weeks or more (orally) would it be faster if it’s a shot? i felt that this vet knew what he was doing more than the previous one.
What antibiotic and antihistamine? No, two injections of an anitbiotic(though depending on the antibiotic) a few days apart is almost never going to clear up an upper respiratory infection in rabbits, if your rabbit does in fact have a URI. All giving too short a coarse of antibiotics does is temporarily knock down the bacteria and once the antibiotic is stopped, if the bacteria isn't completely cleared up then it will just reemerge more resistant to that antibiotic being used again. Orally or by injection may not necessarily change the efficiency of the antibiotic, but that also depends on the antibiotic used. And some antibiotics can't be given orally to rabbits at all or it can kill them.
Medirabbit (medications in rabbits)
http://www.medirabbit.com/Unsafe_medication/Unsafe_drugs_main.htm(unsafe medications in rabbits)
Medirabbit (respiratory infection in rabbits)

I'm not familiar with doramectin being used in rabbits as a common treatment option, though I did read up on it. It's an avermectin of which ivermectin is most commonly used to treat mites(scabies) in rabbits. It sounds like your vet used the lower dosage range, so should be safe, but with a real scabies infestation, that dosage wouldn't likely clear up the mites. From what I read the higher dosage of 0.4mg/kg is needed, and between the use of doramectin or ivermectin, ivermectin is still the most effective and preferred treatment for rabbits. So for future reference if you ever have to deal with a case of mites, I would opt for Revolution(selamectin) as the first treatment choice, and then ivermectin, over doramectins use, if given the choice.
Aside from all this, it's unlikely your rabbit should have any ill effects even if it wasn't a necessary injection, unless your rabbit is one of the rare ones to react negatively to that class of drug, as can sometimes be the case with certain rabbits, in particular ones with dutch genes, vienna carriers, or blue eyed whites(similar to mdr1 gene as seen in collie dogs). But if this was the case then you would have already seen a toxic reaction hours after the injection.

Though I will say that if your vet is just doing the injection preventatively and there are no indications of your rabbit having scabies(fur loss, skin problems), then there should be no reason for a rabbit to be getting this injection. It won't prevent a future case of scabies. This medication will only help if a rabbit currently has these mites. Using a topical spot on like Revolution/Stronghold(selamectin) could provide some lasting preventative protection as it's designed to do so, but not more than a month at most(if even that in rabbits because of their fast metabolism), and definitely not 6 months worth of protection.
MediRabbit (sarcoptes mites in rabbits)
MediRabbit (fur mites, ivermectin dosage info)
MediRabbit (ear mites, selamectin dosage info)

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