I think if you click on them they might open but they are about the same….cute and having fun. They are house bunnies so anytime they get to play outside is a good day for them.3 out of 5 foto s look like they are enjoying themselves
the other two foto s , dont show
and dont know at why
I'm a first time rabbit owner.Girls having fun
Hi! Congrats on being a first time bun owner. To answer your question, these pictures were taken in my backyard. The pool area is completely enclosed with a fence and mesh so they cannot escape.I'm a first time rabbit owner.
How on earth do you take your bun outside, public beaches, etc without them hopping away
How wonderful! What a fantastic life you are providing for your rabbits!Hi! Congrats on being a first time bun owner. To answer your question, these pictures were taken in my backyard. The pool area is completely enclosed with a fence and mesh so they cannot escape.
I don’t take my buns to public places. They have a good life at home. They live inside, they have a very nice outside bunny cottage that is also, fenced in and they are able to free roam the very large pool area…..all outside activities are 100% supervised.