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That's fantastic! I guess my being your guys' actual age is not as cool as I thought, hehe!! I smoked for about six months when I turned 18, and realized that I hated it, so stopped cold turkey and haven't picked a cigarette up since. I think that made me older than I would have been otherwise. Eh...what can ya do, eh?:dunno

Michaela wrote:
LOL Greta!!:biggrin2: We can go not exist together! :highfive:
Well mine sucks :?I don't even smoke. Lol.

I sure hope the life expectancy number is from your actual age and not the quiz's real age :?LOL
I'm 47 - it says my real age is 45 and my life expectancy is 78.

I have 11,300 days left (approx)....unless I get hit by a Mack truck...

Biological age: 26
Real age: 18.1
Life Expectancy: 81.9

The life expectancy is spot-on when you look at all my grand- and great grandparents.

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