The difference between

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At my school we have a dress uniform and aregular uniform. Dress is grey skirt, burgundy penny loafers,white, navy, or black socks (most people wear knee socks) or tights, awhite polo shirt with logo, and a navy sweater, sweater vest, orblazer. That's usually Mon. and Fri. Other days we have khakiskirts and navy and light blue polos and navy and white sweatshirts wecan wear as well. Also, white, black, or navy shoes, or acombination of those colors. (Loving the converse, let's putit that way.) Our skirts are supposed to be 4 in. above theknee, but lots of people roll them and such. They're muchstricter on the socks than skirt length, lol.

Oh, right, it's an all girls' catholic high school, but I had a uniformat my elementary school too, different though.
Ohh my,when i was in high school,we had to wearthis awful pin striped uniform and it had to be knee high,a lot of usgirls would hitch up our uniform with a belt to make it a tadshorter,but we had to watch out for the principle,if you got caught itwas straight to the front office for the day lol


very stylish ;)

And FYI, theyre called "penny" loafers bc you can stick a penny in thatlittle slot in the front. Now thats very VERY stylish!
So that's what a loafer is! I always imagine aloafer as being someone 'loafing' around on the couch. Why you'd wannastick coins in your shoes is beyond me though :D. That sort of shoe youshowed has a different name here, I can't think what it is but it'ssomething to do with boats. That kind of style is usually for old menhere!

Speaking of coins, how does money go in your country?

NZ money
5 cent (being phased out right now)
10 cent
20 cent
50 cent
1 dollar
2 dollar

5 dollar
10 dollar
20 dollar
50 dollar
100 dollar
ours is:


1 cent

5 cent

10 cent

25 cent

50 cent (half dollar, no one uses these)

1 dollar (also not really used)


1 dollar

2 dollar (no one uses these either)

5 dollar

10 dollar

20 dollar

100 dollar

and I think theres maybe a 1000 but I wouldnt know about that! I thinkthats all, bt theres a lot of money out there that is more collectibleand not used.

This is Northern Ireland (and England Scotland, Wales)
















Probably goes higher I'm not sure:?
I'm going on a school trip to France, Belgium,and Switzerland over Easter break. My mom just went to ameeting for it. I had some euros leftover from my Italy triplast year, now I discover that Switzerland dosn't use Euros,ugh. I did really love the 2 euro cents. Socool.
Me too Missycove! We always haveloadsof euros because they use them down south. When I went on askiing trip last year to Switzerland it was so annoying that they usedswiss francs! Then I went to Auschwitz in Poland earlier this year theydidn't use the euro either!:rollseyes

samixXx wrote:
i hate the 1cents and 2 cents they always fill my bag up
Ugh! tell me about it,we used to have the 1cent and 2cent pieceshere,and they were just dreadful,i was glad when they finally got ridof them,but the 5cent pieces can be just as bad lol

Michaela wrote:
This is Northern Ireland (and England Scotland, Wales)
















Probably goes higher I'm not sure:?

Yeah thats what I have. I have never seen a £100 pound note before :shock:My how the other half live! lol

Aparently we are changing to Euros though in like 10 years, orsomething. I dont know. I dont want it to changethough:(

And about the shoes... We have Loafer shoes here, but to me they wouldbe backless shoes but the front like the one in the picture...

Yea so why would you want to put pennies in your shoes :?Andalso a loafer is something you use in a bath to scrub your back with,or what ever lol I have never used one before.

And also a loafer is something you use in a bath to scrub your back with, or what ever lol I have never used one before.

Actually, that's a loofa (sp), or at least that's what we call it.
minilops wrote:
I was also wondering today about the word potty (sorry if this hasalready been discussed), why on earth do some people call a toilet apotty? To me a potty would be a very small plastic thing you sit babieson to wean them off nappies.

I have no clue why we call it that- I think it may becuse we ask little kids "Do you have to go potty'"?

But then I have no clue as to why we use that phase eather:dunno:

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