The Biggest Loser On Earth

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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2009
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Richmond, Virginia, USA

I just ran into a video last night about a hatefull womanizer.

He claims that all women fail at everything, they are only good for having intercourse with and having kids. His name is Dick Masterson.

^ If so, then he shouldn't be having any type of relationship with a female - including female animals.

He even published a book on how "men are better than women", yet the whole thing is all based on his biased opinions and obviously personal experiances with women. No facts. No science.
A bad relationship doesn't mean you have to hate all women.
He and other punks like him need to hit the biology books - don't take this man's crap with a grain of salt.
On his recorded voice mail that has been posted on youtube, a child(sounds about 8-10 years old) responds on it agreeing that he is "right" about what he saying about women.

He is a very immature and uneducated person, he is threatening the lives of both women and children and he is completely oblivious to it, basically advise that abusing or beating your wife is ok - when we are trying to stop domestic violence.
He is certianly selfish and only cares about him self.
I think he needs to be locked up(he'll probably like it since there's no women in there, though he'll be treated like the women he's abused).

Here's is a video of him appearing on the Doctor Phil show:

This video contains some explict language. Not for young viewers.

i remember him from a while back on Dr Phil, and all i have to say is this guy is an idiot, and i cant even listen to him talk,lol
I'd love him to say that to the wrong women, one that would punch him in his scrawny face! lol!
Sooner all later he will get what is comin to him, thank god that not everyone is like him, otherwise the world would be a terrible place.
........ Or he's gay. ;) And trying very hard to hide it.

I could say some really, really mean and inappropriate things about that line of thinking, but I won't. I just realized how mean I am and scared myself! LMAO

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