Well-Known Member
Myia09 wrote:
Wow, how ignorant and racist of them. Hair naturally dreads when you don't brush it. I'm not sure why anyone would find that offensive. If I run into someone who finds it offensive, I'll be sure to let them know that I find their offense offensive.
My Muslim friends do not get offended when I wear a hijab. Maybe they're more tolerant.
To be clear, I'm not expecting people to just come out and be super awesome like Erika. I also didn't expect people to just blatantly be rude about it. It would be like if someone came on here and said, "Ew! You keep rabbits in the house? How gross! They smell!" Wherein some of us would get upset and some of us with better emotional control would educate them.
Anyway, I'm probably not going to go to a salon to have them done. I don't want them putting nasty products in my hair and what have you. I'll either let it dread up naturally, or get some friends to together and backcomb it a bit to kickstart it. The whole idea of dreadlocks (for me) isn't meant to be a fashion statement, but more of a (cue cheesy) lifestyle change. I mean, it definitely helps that they look boss.
ullhair: <--- Maybe I should just this instead. :biggrin:
And actually Jess, what is funny is that a lof of Africans and Hindu's find "regular" people wearing dreads as offensive because basically dreads were only given to the rights of an Preist.
Then in the Rasafarian, it was because of religion, and I have Jamacian friends who think that when white people or people of non-rastafarian religion wear them, it is an insult.
Wow, how ignorant and racist of them. Hair naturally dreads when you don't brush it. I'm not sure why anyone would find that offensive. If I run into someone who finds it offensive, I'll be sure to let them know that I find their offense offensive.
To be clear, I'm not expecting people to just come out and be super awesome like Erika. I also didn't expect people to just blatantly be rude about it. It would be like if someone came on here and said, "Ew! You keep rabbits in the house? How gross! They smell!" Wherein some of us would get upset and some of us with better emotional control would educate them.
Anyway, I'm probably not going to go to a salon to have them done. I don't want them putting nasty products in my hair and what have you. I'll either let it dread up naturally, or get some friends to together and backcomb it a bit to kickstart it. The whole idea of dreadlocks (for me) isn't meant to be a fashion statement, but more of a (cue cheesy) lifestyle change. I mean, it definitely helps that they look boss.