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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
, New Hampshire, USA
I was wondering how much spays cost on average?When Whisper turns 6 months (and I hopefully have a job) I plan to gether spayed and maybe adopt a male neutered bunny for a friend for her.I would like to know the cost of a spay?
Malo, You'll have to find anexperienced "Exotic Vet". This means that they have had extratraining to care for rabbits, birds, reptiles, and smallanimals. In NJ, costs are:

$215 for spaying, $130 for neutering and up.
I didn't know if my vet really treated rabbits, but i just made an app. and he did the nueter and it came out good.

I probably should have asked questions and stuff but the nearest rabbit savy vet is a couple hours away.

For a neuter it cost me 56$ and the spay is probably double that, so in the 100's.

Here are ......(thanks to Hope there close to you!

[align=left]Some of NH's qualified rabbit veterinarians:[/align]
Dr. Anthony Guerino, Animal Medical Center, Portsmouth, NH (603)436-4922. Dr. Guerino has extensive knowledge about rabbit health care.

Dr. Sue Haley, Kindness Animal Hospital, Ossipee, NH (603) 539-2272.Dr. Haley is experienced and has great instincts when it comes torabbits.

Dr. Phenix, Nashua Pet Care Clinic, LLC, Nashua, NH, 150 Broad St (nearNashua mall)(603)889-4738.Dr. Phenix has had 35 years of experience and is a welcome addition toour web list.

Dr. Donna Chase, Town and Country Animal Hospital, New Boston, NH(603) 487-2520

Dr. Deb Jankura, Oyster River Vet Clinic, Lee, NH (603) 659-2827

Dr. George Messenger, Fisherville Animal Hospital, E. Concord, NH (603) 229-0674

Dr. Alan Tucker, Daniel Webster Animal Hospital, Bedford, NH (603) 624-4004
Around here, neuters are $80+ and spays are$100+ depending on the vet. Mocha's spay cost more because Iopted for the laser incision. I had also opted for the bloodwork (just in case) but her veins kept collapsing so it didn't getdone.:?
I payed $80 in New Jersey. I was a littleweirded out that they kept Manhattan after they were done, but he gottons of kisses and nose rubs when he came back home the next afternoon.

See Buck Jones' reply in "rabbit spay" post I bumped.

I think it really varies from vet tovet. One vet I talked to, and was really happy with, quotedthe price at $300 -- ummm, I don't think so! I then talked toanother vet, who is so highly regarded in the exotics field, he charges$120, which I thought wasn't bad at all, but then I learned some thingsabout his surgical practices and decided he couldn't pay me to let himoperate on any of my animals. The vet that I'm going to use,is wonderful. He was rat vet of the year last year.LOL Honestly, he knows his small furries (I use someone elsefor my reptiles and someone else for my dogs and cats). Hecharges $85.

Okay thanks everyone. I will shop around the vets nearby. I have a little while to wait anyways, because I need a job first.
Mallo 3 months ago I gave youthe Vet I use who is basicallythe cheapest around . I will PMyou the information again .

ALSO : One on the list is birdsandreptiles 4 others dont dealwell with Rabbits ,. JMO
Malo wrote:
wow :shock:
What about the Banfield vets in Petsmarts? Anyone know??
TheBanfield vets in Petsmart don't deal with rabbits at all,because I wasgoing to take our Pepper there for his nails to be trimmed and theyonly deal with dogs & cats.

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