Spacing out/unresponsive

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Haru the Lionhead

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Reaction score
Middle east
Hello guys, haru has been spacing out alot, what does it mean?
She would sit up and take statue mode, I don’t think that she’s sleeping, she doesn’t move when I talk to her, even if i was loud she wouldn’t even move her ears or anything, I tried to lightly push her but she wouldn’t move, every time I would shout and call my mom, she doesn’t flinch or move her ears, but as soon as she hears my mom’s slippers she would go back to normal immediately and start jumping around.
also her ears are a little bit cold now even though it’s not cold here at all, other than that she’s fine and she’s eating and playing..
I did some research and from what I found, if your rabbit is hunched and unresponsive, it most likely means your rabbit is in some sort of pain. Stress and pain can lead to stasis if you’re not careful, so it would be the best for your rabbit to get him/her to the vet as quickly as you can. Rabbits are very good at hiding illnesses and you need to get him checked out quickly. I hope he will be ok!
I did some research and from what I found, if your rabbit is hunched and unresponsive, it most likely means your rabbit is in some sort of pain. Stress and pain can lead to stasis if you’re not careful, so it would be the best for your rabbit to get him/her to the vet as quickly as you can. Rabbits are very good at hiding illnesses and you need to get him checked out quickly. I hope he will be ok!
She’s not hunched.. but she is gassy, I will try to take her to the vet as soon as possible
Little Bambi spends hours a day staring at the wall. She sits in her litter tray with her nose almost against the wall. Sometimes she doesnt respond to her name, and other times she just turns around and stares at me. Shes been through alot of surgeries and on alot of meds but this behaviour i have seen for about 6months or so. Once she snaps out of her trance she is full of love and kisses and wants to be cuddled all the time. I think for her its an attention thing. As much as i would love to hold her 24 hours a day.... sadly i have things to do during the day. Best advice from someone with similar issue, first a health check at the vet, secondly boredom breakers of some sort and lots of attention.
I think she was sleeping, she did it just now and when i held her hands she stretched and got up, but still.. is it normal for them to sleep like that?
Bunnys dont always sleep laying down. Sometimes their eyes are open when they are asleep and can be sitting up too. Its odd to see but its all to do with being on the look out for predators...... or giants bringing treats
My bunny Odin will often ignore me and I can call his name at least for 10 minutes and no response from him. I can often see him sitting up on his hide house, ears down and eyes open small. Which means he’s sleeping/resting up on the house. But when he hear the sound of something getting chopped and he will wake up. Odin often sleep in a loaf position while my other bunnies sleep like dead logs.

I notice quite fast the different between unresponsive because of pain or just him ignoring me. Other times he will put up one ear and listen but be a frozen glazier. It’s just because I know my bunnies routines and know what time they will often rest and sleep.

Sleep time means me getting ignored if I don’t have food on me 😂
I'm so glad you're asking about this. Our previous bunny seemed to be almost deaf. He wouldn't even move a muscle if we clapped next to his head. The upside was that noises didn't scare him. He would literally sit on the vacuum cleaner while I pushed it around the room! On the other hand, my current bunny jumps out of her skin at the tiniest sounds. She flew up in the air yesterday when my stomach growled while I was petting her.😕 I'm actually a little worried that she may have a heart attack at some point. Sometimes I think I should get her ear plugs!

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