RHD in North America

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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2011
Reaction score
, , United Kingdom
Sadly the deadly new strain of the RHD (Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease) virus has been confirmed in British Columbia. In response the Canadian Govt has allowed the import from Europe of Filavac vaccine.

Here is their announcement


This disease will kill unvaccinated European (pet) rabbits although America's native species are not affected. It's particularly deadly because it can be spread in so many ways - it's airborne, it can be spread on the paws and fur of other species, on human clothing, shoes and other objects, it can be carried and spread in birds' excrement and biting insects can spread it - and because it can live in the environment, outside of a rabbit's body for about a year. It also survives extreme temperatures.

Happily the vaccine, Filavac, made in France, offers protection against both the original and the new strains of this disease. It needs to be given every year by injection, or 6-monthly in areas where there is a high incidence of cases.

We have up to date information about the disease here, aimed primarily at our mostly UK audience, but all rabbit owners, wherever they live, should make themselves aware. https://rabbitwelfare.co.uk/rabbit-health/rabbit-vhd/ This illness does not respect national boundaries, nor even oceans
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