Rabbit producing too many cecotropes, should I be worried?

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No. I sent an email but it went unanswered. I probably sent it to the wrong vet. All I know so far is that the necropsy is being done at the University of Minnesota. The results are being shared with my vet, so maybe I should call him instead of the vet from the clinic where he got the shot.
That’s probably a good idea. I’m having both of mine vaccinated with Medgene in 2 weeks and I am terrified, but I think I will be even more terrified if I don’t do it.
No. I sent an email but it went unanswered. I probably sent it to the wrong vet. All I know so far is that the necropsy is being done at the University of Minnesota. The results are being shared with my vet, so maybe I should call him instead of the vet from the clinic where he got the shot.
Do you know if your rabbit needed one vaccine or did they need one vaccine and then a second booster vaccine?
Do you know if your rabbit needed one vaccine or did they need one vaccine and then a second booster vaccine?
He needed two injections. The second injection was to be given November 21st, three weeks after his first injection. I have two other rabbits that got injections, and they had no side effects. I found some paperwork, and the company is Medgene. How is your rabbit doing with cecotropes doing?
I'm so sorry about your bun.
We took our boy to the emergency vet when he stopped eating. They gave him treatments there and told us he was starting stasis, so we gave him critical care. The emergency vet forgot to give us the pain medicine though. Bandit passed away on our trip back to get the medicine.
Is it dumb of me to be angry at the vet for that? After all, it is pain medicine.
(He died four days ago- how do I cope? I'm behind on pretty much everything, need advice :()
I am so sorry for your loss.
I took my 8 year old netherland dwarf in on Oct. 31 for a vaccine. On Nov. 10 he stopped eating greens. On the Thursday 11th I made an appointment to have his teeth checked, but couldn't get him an appointment until Tuesday the 16th. On Friday, his BM's turned to mush and stayed that way. I gave him simethicone and he seemed to improve. Herbie passed away Monday morning 11/15. I donated his body, and I am waiting for a necropsy report. Herbie was healthy when he had his shot. He was a sick rabbit with digestive problems when I got him 4 years ago, so I suspect that he had an underlying digestive problem that I was not aware of. The vet thinks that it is possible that the vaccine contributed to his death.
I am so sorry for your loss.
He needed two injections. The second injection was to be given November 21st, three weeks after his first injection. I have two other rabbits that got injections, and they had no side effects. I found some paperwork, and the company is Medgene. How is your rabbit doing with cecotropes doing?
I’m so sorry. I’m glad that your other rabbits are doing well though. He is doing very well, thank you! I am having him vaccinated in 3 weeks and I’m very nervous.
I’m so sorry. I’m glad that your other rabbits are doing well though. He is doing very well, thank you! I am having him vaccinated in 3 weeks and I’m very nervous.
I just received an email from the clinic telling me that sometimes it takes weeks to get lab results back.
Hi everyone, I have a 2 year old neutered male lionhead bunny named Mickey. He went into stasis in August shortly after we moved back to college and he ended up being hospitalized for 3 days and he has been fine since then. I noticed that for the past few days, he is producing a ton of cecotropes that he is not eating. He will eat his hay and pellets normally and act normal throughout the day, but he won’t poop for 8-10 hours. When he does poop, there is a huge ball of large cecotropes with a few small normal fecal pellets attached. Once he passes the “cecotrope block” he is totally fine and poops normally after that. He gets unlimited Timothy hay, unlimited fresh water in a bottle and a bowl, 1/4 cup of Oxbow Timothy pellets and 3-4 treats every day. Is this something that I should be concerned about, or is it something dietary (maybe cutting down on pellets or treats will resolve it?). They did X-rays at the veterinary teaching hospital when he had stasis in August and everything looked fine, so I’m not sure if this is something that will be a simple fix or if I should worry. I’m also supposed to be having him vaccinated with the Medgene RHDV vaccine soon, but I’m worried that it will cause him to go into stasis, but I’m really worried about RHDV. Should I still have him vaccinated? I’m so worried!! I attached an image of the cecotrope “ball” that he has been passing 5-6 times per day for the past few days.
Do you feed any leafy greens? Like Romaine?
I am so sorry about your Bandit. I think it is normal to be angry at the vet for forgetting the pain medicine. I also used to work in health care, and so I believe that your vet probably felt bad when he found out about his mistake. Emergency health care work is very stressful, even for vets. In time, I am sure you will come to a point where you can forgive. With the rabbits I have had, when they stop eating it is usually a problem that will occur again. My Herbie had dental problems. I wanted him to get the vaccine before his teeth problems showed up again. The first time he had teeth problems, I had a hard time finding a vet to take care of his teeth. It took 2 months for his teeth to be trimmed after he was diagnosed. He had no pain medication, and the vet that diagnosed him said he must be in pain. She wanted me to take him to another vet. I have had other rabbit with teeth problems and I think of all the pain they went through. It helps me to know that Herbie won't have to go through that anymore. He did not have a bright future, but I sure do miss him. I hope you find peace with your situation. It is difficult to lose a pet we love.
Oh guys I am so so sorry. We’ve been to 3 vets and only 1 of the 3 seemed to have any practical experience. The first one couldn’t even tell the gender of an adult girl (you can’t miss testicles realistically). I think if you love your pets and they know that you care. that is the most important thing to them.
Sadly I think there will be many bun owners out there who buy those nasty tiny wooden hutches and leave them in there all of the time. I bet those owners don’t even know that there are pet forums that you can ask advice on. I have found neatly everyone on this site tries to help in a supportive way because sometimes rabbits do strange out of character things that owners haven’t seen before. I’ve had my 2 buns for a year and my boy has suddenly decided to change his behaviour. No pet owner can get it right every time.
its sounds like your bunny is having a bit of a digestive problem, it might be good to cut down on the amount of treats, as this might help a bit.

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