Rabbit Litter

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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2014
Reaction score
NSW, Australia
Hello :)
I am looking into changing the litter in my rabbits litter boxes as what I am currently using isn't working as well as I thought.

I currently have shavings in my litter boxes and although they work, they don't stop much odour and they get really gross, really quickly.

I was thinking of using the recycled paper kitty litter but I was worried that it would stain my rabbits feet before shows.

What litter do you recommend and use?

All help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks :D
I use newspaper but I suspect that would stain the feet as well. I also use the little piddle pads and it works well and is fairly inexpensive. We used the recycled paper for my cats litter and it never stained his feet so you may be just fine with that! The bun didn't care for it tho which is why we went with newspaper.
Best of luck!
Most people here use wood stove pellets. Typically 5 bucks for a 50lb bag.
If the paper kitty litter doesn't stain, I'll try it out :)

Which works better, the wood stove pellets or the paper?

Thanks :)
I'm not sure if you have them in AU but in the states, we have Tractor Supply Company and you can pick up a 40lb bag of the stove pellets (They're TSC brand but work well) for about $8 or less. Lasts a long time! For a while we used them with our cats but unfortunately, when you have several cats, you need something a little better at managing odor control. For one bun, it should work very well however. The plus side is that it cleans easily - no stuck-on gunk. I never noticed any staining; soiled litter turns into dust and then droppings are just droppings. Have you tried covering litterbox with hay/straw? It would keep the soiled litter from sitting on top and bun's feet coming into contact with it since most/all of the urine would go through the straw and collect under it if there's straw/hay on top of it.
The paper pellets and compressed wood pellets run around the same price here, with the newspaper ones being a little cheaper but they will stain your bunny's feet. Wood pellets are less likely to stain, but sitting on any damp litter for extended periods will lead to staining, so if you're using a tray, very regular changes will be required. I know a lot of breeders use mostly wire bottoms for everything to just fall through.

The newspaper is Breeder's choice, the wood pellets are oz pet cat litter. At least those are the brands we have in SA. In my opinion the wood pellets are better at absorbing odours as well.
Thanks everyone for the help :) I think I'll try the wood stove pellets first. I clean the litter box every 2 - 3 days or when required so I don't think staining will be an issue.

Would covering the litter box in wire help prevent staining and help the litter last longer?
I use rabbit litter called Cozy 'n Fresh, it's natural pine pellets and they absorb really really well. Only $4.99 for a 20 lb bag at TSC!
I can't say for sure I guess because it's the only litter I've tried but it sure seems to help with urine odor, gives off a pine smell and the pellets absorb the urine really well.
Thanks so much everyone for all the help, it really is appreciated :) I've written down all the litter types you guys have listed and I'm probably going to try all before I make a final decision :) Thanks again!
Sure :) you cannot smell a thing when using this cat litter and it soaks the urine up really well.
For odor control I use horse stall freshener pellets. They break apart when hit with urine and are biodegradable. We put them ontop of newspaper in trays.

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