Why are you trying to let her run 1 week post surgery?
As a now spayed rabbit she is basicly an adult and should be transitioned off of alfalfa based items and alfalfa hay. She does not need it.
Same with carrots and blueberries, those are high in sugar and only a teeny tiny amount should be given.
And pellets should be cut back to 1/4cup per 5lbs of body weight max per day.
The same time as a major surgery is a terrible time to change a diet. A few weeks before or after, sure. But not at the same time.
1) I am transitioning her from alfafa to timothy hay because my vet has told me to start her on it- she is almost done the transition.
2) i have only given her blueberries twice (one at a time) and a small piece of carrot (less than 1") and that was to encourage her to eat post spaying (she went over 24hours without eating so my vet said to feed her anything)
3) The pellets I have been trying to figure out on how much exactly to feed her (some say 1/3 and some say 1/4- and shes 2 lbs so it was a bit confusing to me) but thank you for the 1/4 cup advice, ill use it in the future.
4) I only began to change her diet because at first eating the greens were encouraging her to eat (which was a major priority for me for post spaying) and I realized that I didn't provide her with any consistency or daily schedule so I thought I'd start implementing one and see how it goes- and I haven't started this diet the second she got out of surgery but I slowly built it up and she has officially started it one week after surgery and she seems fine.
@Imbrium comment seemed to help solve the problem, as after I cooled her off, she began playing. Thank you btw

Like I said in my original comment, I am new at this and I am not trying to mess my bunny up (I've down lots of research prior to getting her), and I just want her to be as healthy as possible-- and I am NOT trying to push her to run around, but a few days after her surgery she already showed signs of excess energy and wanting to run, so when her stitches healed (they're basically disolved, a light scar is all that remains), i opened her enclosed area and she seemed to be doing very well (running, binkeying, etc). Thats why i was questioning her lack of activity because she seemed to be less active and engaged as she was a few days back. Thank you for your criticism and advice though