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Sep 18, 2016
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I have a year old mix lionhead I adopted from the animal shelter when he was a baby. I love him dearly and recently we moved his pen into my room. I've noticed walking in and out that sometimes my bunny lays on his side and sometimes he lays in the loaf position with his chin touching the ground laying flat. Is that normal? View attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1474181204.905470.jpg
( the picture is him just hanging out in my room. In his cage he will lay like that with his chin touching the ground with his eyes closed.
Yes. That is perfectly normal. Take a peek here for other photos of lounging bunnies. (scroll to bottom of that link for buns laying on their side)

Helpful tip: on this forum, try to be specific on your titles to get more responses. "help" is too vague. Better would be "Is laying this way normal for a bunny? (photo incl)"
Also, no need to double post same question in different categories.
Yes. That is perfectly normal. Take a peek here for other photos of lounging bunnies. (scroll to bottom of that link for buns laying on their side)

Helpful tip: on this forum, try to be specific on your titles to get more responses. "help" is too vague. Better would be "Is laying this way normal for a bunny? (photo incl)"
Also, no need to double post same question in different categories.

I just started using this app so I was not sure where to post first. No need to let me know. I totally understand now.
He looks like a comfy bunny! Be careful though because it looks like those are electrical cords near his head and all buns know those taste delicious!
It's a good sign! A rabbit that lays down calmly (I like to call it "playing 'beach rabbit'" ^^) is feeling comfortable. It means he's good, physically, and that he feels safe enough to lower his defences.
Our avatar, Nikki is deaf and blind, but still gets around fine--she's so comfy when out that she looks like someone let the air out as she flattens out with her feet sticking out at both ends. She's always been an odd little bunny and the only one we ever had that slept on their back with their feet in the air. Lately, in her hutch, she sleeps with her head in her treat dish.
Our avatar, Nikki is deaf and blind, but still gets around fine--she's so comfy when out that she looks like someone let the air out as she flattens out with her feet sticking out at both ends. She's always been an odd little bunny and the only one we ever had that slept on their back with their feet in the air. Lately, in her hutch, she sleeps with her head in her treat dish.

my dog does that, Andy usually sleeps on his side or with his legs stretched out (sometimes he looks like a dog lol).

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