Question on hamsters

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Active Member
Mar 13, 2014
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I have a few questions in hamsters:

-What's good foods for hamsters?
-Good beddings?
-minimum floor space?
There are many good foods such as hazel/Harry hamster, Carefresh complete menu, vita craft vita smart, and hartz Bonanza. However most of these foods have tons of pea and corn so you have to pick most of it out. A really good bedding to use is a mix a wood stove pellets and Carefresh. The Carefresh is very soft and the wood pellets help with absorption. You could also use aspen or kiln dried pine shavings, and knock-off brands of Carefresh. The minimum cage size is 360 square inches.
i use cat food. they love it and it keeps them nice and healthy. i use aspen and cat litter. and i think the min space would be about 12" X 6"
Oh btw, I know the stuff on hamsters I'm just wondering what you guys think and use :)
I had 32 hamsters hehe.
I used the kind with grills and they simply adored climbing all over them, even until they were upside down.
I used sawdust, but refrained from those bathing powder things because they peed in it, and then bathed in it.

One of my hamsters was a runt who was slightly retarded. I had to hand feed him his food one by one and feed him water from teaspoons.
Oh! And, haha, any opportunity to tell this story - I hat a really fat winter white, he got stuck in one of the hamster tunnel slides. We had to break open the slide to let him out. Phbbbbt, fat hamsters.
Don't use cat food as a previous comment suggested. Hamsters are omnivores for a reason; they eat plants and animals.
Hamster muesli, boiled eggs, cooked meats such as boiled chicken, vegetables and fruit


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