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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
Deep South, Texas, USA
What do I make to feed him? he has severe maloclusion that went undiagnoseduntil just now.He is very cold to the touch. I've wrapped him ina warm rice sock. He seems to be sleeping. Please help!

Everyone is crying we don't know what to do!

I'll try to find the link to a hamster site for you .. I used to have hamsters and they only live about 2 yrs max so it may also be that he is old.
I'm really sorry that your family is so upset. :(
I quit having hamsters as pets because I was always grieving one or the other. Their lives are too short.
If he has malocllusion and can't eat you should take him to a vet ..

I don't know what to give him but I can't see where pedialyte would hurt if you carefully syringed it very carefully and slowly.

He passed away in my arms a few minutes ago. My sister is devastated. He came to her over a year old and we had him for a year so you might be right and it was just old age. His malocclusion wasn't bad enough for him not to be able to eat. His bottom teeth were a little too long, but he shouldhave beenable to eat.

I know I said it was severe in my first post because when we tried to give him a craisin last week they looked LONG. When I looked at them ten minutes ago they weren't as long as they were last week. My sister was looking for a small animal vet but they are few and far between. My rabbit vet is almost an hour away because there is no one close by that will treat them either.

Is it possible they broke off and he swallowed them?

I'm sorry that he died . I'm . sure that his teeth probably broke off... but I'm sure that he didn't swallow them .

Why don't you make a post for him in Rainbow bridge?. He was an important part of your family's life.

They can just die suddenly. I used to have many pethamsters and they would be gone without warning
I'm very sorry:bigtears:
I am sorry to hear about your ham-ham. I got to the thread too late :( If you guys decide to give hamsters another try and have ANY questions, I've had hams and bred/raised them for about 10 years (pretty long, since I'm only 20!). They are wonderful pets, but sadly have a short life span. They've always brought happiness to the people around me and my family! We are all sorry to hear about your loss.:hug:
Im so sorry for your loss, MyLoki. You and your sis are in my thoughts and prayers.

Rest in peace little man :rainbow:


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