O/T: The Village by M. Night Shyalaman

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Pepper, for me, the verdict is still out onFreddy vs. Jason. Then to, neither of them asstandalones ever made my list of favorites. :( Theplot was weak, as I anticipated it would be, and had enough holes todrive a truck through. The acting was mediocre and theblood-and-guts scenes far outweighed the forward movement of thestoryline. To be fair, the movie can be termed successful inthat I don't believe that the writers, producers, and directors meantit to be any more than what it was--a formulaic cinematic retreat thatplayed off of an overdone theme that had proved to be commerciallyprofitablein the past. Along with that, I alwaysfind a moviewith an "uber"-invincible villain(s) to be wayshort of satisfying.

Scream was entertaining, but the sequels have beat a dead horseto a liquified pulp. The Dentist wasbizarre,even for a movie in this genre, yet interesting, salvaged, I think, bythe presence of Corbin Bernsen.

I typically will not watch a horror moviebecause...well basically I'm a wimp. :D I will watch TheVillage though just because of his other movies. My husbandand I learned a very important lesson when watching movies onDVD. When we got ready to watch the Sixth Sense, we decidedto watch the bonus features entitled "Clues" BEFORE watching themovie. Needless to say, it gave away the ending!!It was still a good movie, but it kinda ruined it for me.

Wabbitwuv, I like watching movies at thedrive-in. Too much talking, walking, and folks not payingattention to enjoy in the theater.

One more day ... and counting! :D
I love our drive intoo! $4 for adults, free for children 12 and under, and we can watchthe kid movie first, then bunk them down in the back and roll over tothe adult movies for the rest of the night. :D
Well, I've seen it! Anybody want to chat about the movie?

We just need to be careful and not give out spoiler information so wedon't diminish the experience for people who haven't seen it yet.
Was it as scary as it looks?

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The Ring was a really scary and strange movie!!

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One of my other favorites is the old movie (black & white) ofThe Haunting. They remade it last year or so and itwasn't nearly as spooky as the first version.


BunnyMommy - I haven't seen it and won't seeit. I'm not a scary movie person. I've heard itwasn't good? Can you tell me? My daughter wants togo see it.
I saw it. Without giving anything away, I willtell you that it is not a horror movie, and is not as frightening asthe trailers would have you believe. I think that's why people weredissapointed. But judging the movie by it's trailer, is like judging abook by it's cover...

This is much more of a psycholgical thriller. If you like TheTwilight Zone, you will probably enjoy this movie. Personally, Iloved it, thought it was great. But it is a different sort of movieexperience.

Thanks m.e.

Were they ghosts or aliens or is that asking too much and spoiling themovie for others? I still want to see it in any case.


lol, I think I'm the odd one out! I hate seeingmovies. First off, I'm not a movie person, I get antsy and can't sitstill and get bored easily. Second of all, I hate the people! Nooffence, I'm just really not a people person by any means.

And as for drive-in theaters, I don't think we have anymore aroundhere. :?We used to, I saw a movie or 2 at them but I thinkthey have all been torn down since. lol, I was it was Jarassic Park, asyou can imagine, I was little!
M.E.'s review is exactly and completelycorrect. I couldn't have said it better.:( It's hard to give a better review without giving thingsaway.

Laura, I don't like the theaters because I'm not a people personeither, believe it or not! The people are usually sorude. Cell phones going off, peopletalking,walking, and not paying attention, kicking yourseat.One timeone guy kept putting his feet onmeand my husband had to say something to him! :?

I just love the drive-in. When I was younger my parents usedto bundle me and at that time my one brother up in blankets, we'd haveour pajamas on and took our pillows. They would pack a lunchand in addition we could order what we wanted from the concessionstand. My dad's mother would go with us too. Wethought that that was the most wonderful thing!!! Going outin our pajamas? It was just too good to be true!!!:D I still have wonderful memories of thoseexperiences.

We have I think only two left in our city. We frequent theone that's nearest to us and have only had one negativeincident. I just love drive-ins!
BunnyMommy and MyBunnyboys said they didn't likegoing to the theatre 'cos they aren't people persons (which I find hardto believe)! I don't like people who spoil the enjoyment for others bytalking, eating loudly, rudeness etc. When I saw Ghost yearsago there were two boys in front of me talking and laughing, I got somad I knocked their heads together. A bit dramatic, maybe, but theywere as quiet as mice for the rest of the film!

BunnyMommy, we have just started having trailers on TV for The Village, so we may not have to wait too long to see it!

BunnyMommy wrote:
...people are usually so rude. Cellphones going off, people talking,walking, and not payingattention, kicking your seat.One timeone guy keptputting his feet on meand my husband had to say something tohim! :?

The lack of civility and manners amongst our general population is adisgrace and endemic, whether it be at theaters,restaurants, sports events, or anywhere groups of people gathertogether closely. We have even seen evidence of that here onthisforum of late. Unfortunately, younger parents,who weren't taught to be civil and mannerly, can't teach it to theirown children, either, so the downward spiral accelerates, I'm afraid.

Vulgar language, filthy and incendiary song lyrics, general disrespect,lack of eating etiquette, fowl attitudes, incivility, boombox car stereos... all prevail. We are becoming a nation offeral,loutinous brutes, who seem only to be interested inself-interest. TV, certainly, offers no respite.

There was a time when people acted with more decorum in public andseemed to care about others and the impression they made inpublic. Gonno! I've read where British affluentyuppie types will affect a soccer lout's dress and manner in order to"fit in" , as our young often emulate "gansta" types, prison garb, andludicrous Gothic fictional characters. All seems to me likethe tail wagging the dog.

Maybe, I'm too old and seen too much, but I liked it when we seemed to respect one another.

Yes, Buck, you have absolutely and completely hitthe nail right on the head. It really is a shame.Civility and good manners are truly what separates us from the brutebeasts. Our society is in true decline with no relief insight. I've been on some discussion boards where rudeness andincivility were celebrated while respect and urbanity were ridiculedand looked upon as a weakness of character. It was a truemicrocosmic reflection of our society at large.

I've frequently told my husband that I wish that we could find asmaller, more rural area to live where people still hold strong familyvalues and know how to treat one another.

One of the reasons that I'm so impressed with the young people on thisboard is that they obviously come from good families and truly are notrepresentative of the norm that I've seen. They have suchstrong character--respect, courtesy, graciousness, responsibility,compassion. It truly is encouraging and inspiring.
Yes, people are so rude in theaters! Groups ofkids talk and disturb the movie, and so on. I'm not saying I don'ttalk, but I do so very little and very quietly. The last time I went tothe theater was to see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban when itfirst came out, lol.


No word of a lie, I'm not a people person. I avoid being around peopleas often as I can, I even find school daunting because of the amount ofpeople. I'm what you would consider and introvert, a very strong one!We did some tests for a school class and I came out as 90% introvertand 10% extrovert. For those who don't know, an introvert is shy,quiet, and reserved while an extrovert is outgoing and very much likingto be the center of attention. Anyways, enough babbling, I truly am shyand don't enjoy being with lots of people!
I'm not a big scary movie person. my friends arethough, and they're so excited about seeing The Village. I'm not gonnasee it no matter how much th ey beg =P looks too scary.

im not a people person either. everyone's so mad at me cuz i have like3 friends, and like 1 who lives in my town, but im like 'have you seenthe people at my school?? they'd rather chew their arm off beforegetting a different friend' and everyone's like 'you're justoverreacting'. i put on a sappy smile, and say to myself 'you'd thinkthat'
BunnyMommy wrote:
One of the reasons that I'm so impressed with the youngpeople on this board is that they obviously come from good families andtruly are not representative of the norm that I've seen. Theyhave such strong character--respect, courtesy, graciousness,responsibility, compassion. It truly is encouraging andinspiring.

Yes, I don't know if I made the point, present companyexcepting! Thank you for thosereflections. I kind of think I'm spouting off here in frontof my own family, and EVERYONE will automatically understand what Imean and to whom I mean it to be about.

For the most part, I don't even have a clue who is young or old here,unless something specific is written. I've been surprisedmore than once by internet friends' ages once I found out, and that'sas it should be, so I don't start categorizing people intosterotyped images. Keeps me on my toes!LOL



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