November 2009

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Here are some of the things going on with me.

I just got back from the Vet with Pebbles for a recheck today. She was in last Friday (Nov. 6) when she stopped eating.

Pebbles has been sick. Last week, shewas eating less, her poops weregetting very small (the size of BB's), and over a period of two months she has loss weight. On the night she refusedher hay and pellets (I gave her alfalfa as a test), I was worried.I brought her in toour regularVet Clinic,Dr Steele was not available but Dr Simmonds (the other rabbit doctor) saw Pebbles.They had her hydrated while she stayed at the clinic for about 6 hours. The Vet also has her back on antibiotics for her stuffy nose and sneezing. Once Pebbles is stable and gained back her weight, the Vet will want to check her teeth, as she says there are some sharp points on her molars. While I was at the Vets, I met up with MyBabyBunnies, who was there with Zoey for her eye treatments.

After today's check up, Pebbles is recovering nicely. She lost weight, but we are slowly getting her weight back (may be awhile). Shelikes to eat is Critical Care. I don't even have to syringe it to her, as she will eat it offthe spoon,or straight out of the bowlwhen I give it toher.She is starting to eat her pellets, and nibble on hay. I am giving her antibiotics twice a day and it seems to control her sneezing. Her poops are larger (they do look like Critical Care in a pellet form). :D So in 2 weeks, I will bring Pebbles back for another check up anddetermine whenthe teeth will need trimming.


This is Dr. Simmonds with Pebbles from today's check up.
Whew. That makes me feel better, actually. When Pipp gets the slightest molar spur, she goes off her food.

She can get run down and snotty and weepy, and she'll only eat the soft stuff. But once the points are ground down, she's fine.

Although it can be sort of a chicken and the egg thing, too. If she starts feeling bad for whatever reason, or she skips a salad or two because of not liking what she's served or I've been unable to get home for some reason, the spurs are back almost immediately.

BTW, I have learned not to react to badly to her tiny poops now, though. They've been tiny for months, but she's fine. She's finishing every bit of her salad for a change.

Nose pats for Pebbles!!

sas :clover:
I'm so sorry about Pebbles problems. :(

You really need to let us know about these things so we can send the good karma ! ;);)

I hope the holiday season brings better times for us all!

JimD wrote:
You really need to let us know about these things so we can send the good karma ! ;);)

Thanks Jim, I didn't want to tie up the infirmary or hijack peoples threads when everyone is so busy or having problems. So this might be a good place to mention Pebbles plight here that is inconspicuous and out of the spot light. We are thinking of Chippy too.

Sas, I was really hoping to see Dr. Steele, but in the urgency of Pebbles not eating, I had to get her in right away. Pebbles poops are always small in nature, but with the Critical Care, they are larger than average. Would you know off hand Pipp's weight?


This is Pebbles in the waiting area to see the Vet.
As many of you know, I volunteer at the Edmonton Humane Society and help with the rabbits. Some unofficial news that another 43 rabbits were turned into the shelter by animal control services. After placing them in the small animal ward, the staff found out that some of the rabbits had the snuffles, so the whole lot were moved to the hospital ward in isolation. Some pregnant rabbits gave birth right after moving to the shelter. Other rabbits had biten noses, and scarring from fights.

This information has not been released to the public yet, as the owner may be taking some of the rabbits back.


Have you thought of trying Zithromax with Pebbles for her nose? I just finished doing a treatment for Baxter, who's noes kept snotting up after every penicillin treatment I gave him, even at super high doses. We're only a couple days after the treatment, so I won't know for sure if his nose will snot up again until a couple weeks has passed, but I'm pretty optimistic.

The dosing that Randy recommended (and the one I did) was about 10 times the amount my vet has ever dosed before, and for 14 days minimum. My vet gave me a prescription to take to a people pharmacy to fill so it was not very expensive either. (PM me for the proper dosing if you want to talk to your vet about it)

Hopefully Pebbles will start feeling better soon!

Bo B Bunny wrote:
My heart breaks for those shelter bunnies and I pray that Pebbles is doing better.

Bo, I am frustrated with Pebbles condition. This round of antibiotics helped with the sneezing but her nose continue to be wet and plugged up. Pebbles continues to eat the Critical Care, and only pick at the pellets and hay. She will gobble down the vegs but ends up with poopy butts. And she continues to poop and pee everywhere except in her litter box. :grumpy:

Saffy, Pebbles is feeling better nowsince the time she stopped eating, but her weight is still low,so I will not think of stressing her out by working on her teeth yet. Still I don't have the Doctors confidence to treat Pebbles.When thedoctor first saw Pebbles, she wanted to prescribe Baytril. :sigh: Glad to hear your Mom is out of the hospital.

Dawn, That is a good idea, if Ican talk tothe vet (I would prefer to talk to Dr. Steel), but may have to go else where (another vet) to get Zithromax. And having to get a prescription from a regular pharmacy would be great.


Stan, what is is I read somewhere that you have 2 rescues and very cute ones at that.

Do you have a blog about them?

Susan :)
So Mocha gave me a very obvious hint today, LOL. I laughed so hard at this when I got home today. Mocha is not the type to play with blankets and burrow but today when I got home, I found him looking very comfortable like this:



I think he's telling me it's too cold.. ha ha. He's since taken the blanket off and managed to pull it back on a few times, it's oh so cute!
awww Stan....
Keep us up on what happens with Pebbles, got my good get well bunny vibes out for you
*OHHH and the edit is to thank-you MBB for that gorgeous mug photo of Mocha, it brought back warm memories of the time I first 'met' him on this forum
so thank-you for that
Laura, you still get the best rabbit pictures - along with Pet-Bunny! That is just TOO FUNNY that Mocha kept pulling his blanket up over him after you'd take it off. What do humans know afterall!!

As to Pebbles...I hope she's noticably better by now and that she's forgiven you for giving her the meds - your reward being pooping and peeing back in her litterbox. Such a little Boss! Who can blame her for being angry with her condition and the treatments that go along with it? It sounds like you're doing an incredible job of doing everything you can for her. Keep up the good work. She's lucky to have such a loving father.

I hope and pray Pebbles is fully recovered by now. She's so precious - and so loved!

Kisses to all of the beautiful bunnies posted here.

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