Night of the Lepus

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I would come to your house to get awayfrom the demon rabbit. First, he's too spoiled, I can't even goshopping without him pouting and moping. That means a 10 hour drivewith a killer bunn in the backseat. Now that's scary.

Second, you gonna have way too bunnies at your house allplotting and schemeing. I think I'll sleep in Apollo's cage and lockthe door.


Can't wait to see and haven't even peeked. Hard not to.
Oh for heaven'ssake!!!!! I'll watch the dang movie!!!

So help me Carolyn.....Oh, well, fine then, I'M IN!
No raspberry! its a trap! dont cave! *rocks backand forth in the feeble position humming the theme song to TeenageMuntant Ninja Bunnies*
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Oh for heaven'ssake!!!!! I'll watch the dang movie!!!

So help me Carolyn.....Oh, well, fine then, I'M IN!

It's ABOUT Time!!!

Shheeesshh!! You'redifficult.

And as to the kids, it was this little girl that started the whole mess!



Wait didn't tell me that bunnies and cute children werein the movie! What the heck? That is my life! What are you trying to doto me here? You know, I might have forgotten a prior commitment thatnight...I think I promised Dreamgal I'd help her clean out her bunnycages. :shock:
Lol! You guysare too funny! I should totally try and find a copy of themovie to watch. Nice try trying to make us guilible peoplebelieve that there are really killer rabbits out there! As ifthat could even be *a huge, red-eyed earless rabbitsneaks up from behind and cackles madly* ...AHHH!!! They're coming!!!! Head for theHILLS!!

--Melissa and Umbra
Carolyn wrote:
And as to the kids, it was this little girl that started the whole mess!



That's her! That's her!!!!! That's that BRAT!!!!

Every time I see her picture I want to pull out a switch!!!! :X
That's her! That's her!!!!! That's that BRAT!!!!

Every time I see her picture I want to pull out a switch!!!! :X

Get her Bunnymommy!

I just got the movie today. I'm fighting the temptation to watch it.Though, I must tell you, since the movie entered the apartment, somespooky rabbit behavior has been occuring.

My little Mella jumped into my lap repeatedly this afternoon. To giveme kisses you ask? NO she kept jumping on me to nibble my fingers anddig my legs. I'd put her down & she'd come back to nibble somemore. Good people of the Rabbits Only Forum...I think my rabbit...isout for...blood. I think the very presence of this movie hassent Mella over to the dark side. Of course for Mella, that was a veryshort trip.
Dear Mr. Buck Jones,

You said in this thread: "Everyone should know how lethal rabbits can be if they've seen Monty Python's Holy Grail."

I have not seen this movie.

I do not know anything about it.

I'm sure we can all rent that one at the video store. Perhaps when thisviewing is over and you feel we're 'back to normal', then you can postwhen that movie will run?

dajeti2 wrote:
I for one am NOT allowing Apollo any viewing ofthis movie. He is so big now and with his attitude....nope I chooselife lol. I will most certainly be watching the big bad bunny rabbits.In case I get tooo scared I will have my husband and son there forsupport and in my hand will be my phone. When I need that extra bit offreassurance.

Bring on Night of the Lepus!!

She may be pretty brave right now, before viewing the movie, but waituntil she watches it, then she'll sing a different tune, I'llbetcha! She's gonna need all the help she can get with thatmonster rabbit, Apollo, there gettin' all those crazy ideas from themovie rabbits. Even if he can't see it, with those "radarears," he most certainly will hear what's going on.

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
You know, I might have forgotten aprior commitment that night...I think I promised Dreamgal I'd help herclean out her bunny cages. :shock:

theres my girl! of course, Ivory's cage doesnt need cleaning. Its ashwho does. and if youve seen the size of his cage, it really is a 2person job :p

I used to think 'The Bunny Yawn' was cute.

After seeing this movie, it takes on a whole new meaning.



You've never seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail? That's just tragic...

It shouldn't be too hard to find at any local video store. Just don'teat while watching it - you might choke while laughing, and that'snever good :p

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