Night of the Lepus

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That one freaks me out! Buck says it's a live rabbit. He can see it breathe!

Yep, I do think that I read that it was a live rabbit and they filmed him amidst a miniature scale set.
Janet Leigh passed away today, Bless Her Heart.I'm sure her Spirit will enjoy watching all of us honoring her BestMovie. Thanks, Janet!





Stephanie wrote:
I so have to watch this movie.

They'llmost likelybe showing it on t.v. now thatJanet died. One channel usually always does a tribute to thedeceased by running all of their movies.

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Interview with Janet Leigh:

DF: Did you have a sense at the time which pictures would becomeclassics and which ones would become real cornerstones in your career?

JL: Believe me, every time I did a script or a picture, I did itas though it was the best picture in the world. That's the only way todo it. I don't know how to do it any other way. Even with bad picturesI did that. I didn't say at the beginning, "This is a piece of you knowwhat and I'm not even going to try." In all honesty, I made a badpicture in the 1970s called NIGHT OF THE LEPUS, and I certainly didn'tapproach that picture that way.

DF: NIGHT OF LEPUS is a real sci-fi classic, though. Lots of people really love that movie.

JL: It's a cult picture now which is funny to me. You know, itwas the scifi time in the 1970s. It was the time of animals andexperiments and mad scientists and this script came and it read reallygreat and I liked it. I read it and I was scared and it made sense tome. So, I said yes (to making NIGHT OF THE LEPUS). And, I don't care ifthe rabbit is six feet tall, the rabbit is still Peter Rabbit. When yousee those rabbits on the screen you think, "Oh, it's a cute bunnyrabbit." And afterwards it was sheer disaster, I thought. I've actuallyhad someone come to me to make a sequel to NIGHT OF THE LEPUS and Iturned it down.

DF: I can't blame them for wanting to do that at all. It's a cult picture that's really loved.

JL: That is so strange to me. I turned it down. I said, "No, I'msorry. I'm past that now." But I gave (NIGHT OF THE LEPUS) my allbecause that's our job. You certainly know going onto some picturesthat the film isn't going to win an Academy Award.



"Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a soldier... but that ain't gonna stop me from kickin' some bunny tail!!"

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Stephanie wrote:
I so have to watch this movie.


It's about freakin' killerrabbits!

6' tall ones! (which SOMEBODY forgot tomention )

DON'T LET THEM TRICK YOU! You'll never look at your sweet bunny the same again!

Are you really that much ofa ,RaspberrySwirl? A day in the life of having as many kids asyou do is ten-times scarier than Giant KillerRabbits!

Raspberry... Fivekids...

Kids are wayyyyyy less scary than horrormovies! After all, anyone who knows me very well would tell you I'mjust a kid stuck in an adultbody!

Don't have to know you very well to know you're a kid at heart.

We're looking forward to joining the fun andhorror -- but this is no mere sci fi flick -- this is real lifefolks. Judges have been sent to the hospital after beingmauled bymad rabbits!

Heed our warnings and prepare yourself for the "Night of the Lepus"!

whoooooooooo -- I've scared even myself LOL

Pam :cool:
pamnock wrote:
We're looking forward to joining the fun and horror -- butthis is no mere sci fi flick -- this is real life folks.Judges have been sent to the hospital after being mauledbymad rabbits!

Heed our warnings and prepare yourself for the "Night of the Lepus"!

whoooooooooo -- I've scared even myself LOL

Pam :cool:
Well,...yeah,...duh...everybody should know how lethal rabbits can beif they've seen Monty Python's Holy Grail. I mean,they wouldn't show that stuff if it wasn't really true.

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Stephanie wrote:
I so have towatch this movie.


It's about freakin' killerrabbits!

6' tall ones! (which SOMEBODY forgot tomention )

DON'T LET THEM TRICK YOU! You'll never look at your sweet bunny the same again!
But, your sweet bunny will be lookin' at you, though...when you least expect it!

I for one am NOT allowing Apollo anyviewing of this movie. He is so big now and with his attitude....nope Ichoose life lol. I will most certainly be watching the big bad bunnyrabbits. In case I get tooo scared I will have my husband and son therefor support and in my hand will be my phone. When I need that extra bitoff reassurance.

Bring on Night of the Lepus!!


Hey RaspberrySwirl,

How ABOUT That! Dajeti2's not afraid and she's got a GIANT FLEMISH living among her. :shock:

Know what she said?

She said:


That's what She said!

hey, im with raspberry. but i got a flemish giantliving with me too. its called "my fears", and they constantly get inthe way of my movies.

If you notice I said "Apollo Will Not Be Watching". Eversince he won the show and became the unofficial mascot of thecampgrounds this summer, he has more than enough attitude lol. Don'tneed to give my baby no ideas. I would be scared and camping out atyour house lol.


C'moooonnnnn over!

The more the merrier!!

In Tucker Town, this event is a National Holiday!


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