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what's a good cleaning soap for washing out thelitter box and base flooring? I know that rabbits are sensitive to alot of cleaning soaps out there and I don't want to use the wrong one.Thanks
Hi and welcome to the forum. I thinkits great your raising your bun inside. There very smartanimals if you give them a chance. They can identify words,there names, be litter trained, and all other great things come alongwith a bun. I want to let you know the first year is thehardest, but don;t give up its worth it. They are also getheaters in the cold weather when your watching tv and whatnot ( theylove to snuggle:D)

RabbitNewb wrote:
what's a good cleaning soap for washing out the litter boxand base flooring? I know that rabbits are sensitive to a lot ofcleaning soaps out there and I don't want to use the wrong one.Thanks

It sounds like your going to be a great mom
I use Natures Miracle cleaning spray, you can getit at any pet store...they might even have some in the pet food aisleat your local supermarket. It's designed for pets so it iscompletely safe, and all of their products smell good too!
Hello and welcome. To answer your cleaningproduct question a lot of members on this board, including me, usewhite vinegar diluted with some water to clean bottoms of cages...Isoak my litterboxes in straight vinegar for about 5 mins and thatremoves all the residue on the bottom of the boxes. Make sure you rinsewell and allow time for drying.

As for the best material for the bottom of the cage and the loft I useda product called coroplast that you can find at a sign making store. Itis a type of bendable plastic/cardboard that is also waterproof. Youcan cut it to size and even make corners for your cage so that wastedosen't escape. You can find a picture of cages with coroplast on theCages Only Thread.

Other things you can use for traction on the floor are natural cornhusk mats and seeweed mats. I find mine at Pier One but I believe youcan purchase them online as will.

Good luck with your new bun, they are quite endearing little creatures.

Fergi's mom
The best thing to use to clean I"ve found is vinegar and water.

I can attest that it does a better job of getting "crud" off ofthings..... I own a private cleaning business and so does a friend ofmine ... she uses vinegar and water to clean most everything....

You can use all the soaps and bleach you want but vinegar left to soakon urine sediments in litterpans for maybe 5 min or so then wiped offwith a papertowel and rinsed thoroughly and dried ..... leaves it likenew. It's also good on shower stalls :)

You can mix vinegar and water in a spray bottle to clean the flooring.

Baby rabbits play with pretty much the same stuffas adult rabbits, so anything that was written earlier in this postwould be good. They especially like stuff they can chew though :).

Wood chew toys in the small animal section atyour local pet store are always can test if the coloredchews are safe by getting them wet, if they turn the water that color,then that means they are dyed with a vegetable based dye and it is safefor rabbits. I would also suggest getting some saltweels/those mineral cones, those are good for rabbits and they likethose! Try not to give them synthetic materials like cottonor carpet materials, because they can block the GI tract....
Bo really likes his chew (wood chews) chain witha bell on the end. I hung it against the side of his cage sohe can push it against the side to chew. If he's wanting sometreat or salad.... he will ring the bell :XI am not a butler!he hasn't figured that out yet...... cause I always go see what heneeds LOL!
This post came to be due to a little accidentThumper made on my bed. I brought Thumper up onto my bed, and afterabout 8 droppings later he continued to urinate on my blanket. Thething is, his urine was a cloudy yellowish/orange color. I was justwondering if this was something normal or if it was something I shouldbe concerned about. Thanks.

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